Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Rurouni Kenshin (Samurai X) - Trust & Betrayal OST - Kotowari

Saturday, August 13, 2011

An Update & Apology

Hi everyone, Prisoner here. First, I want to apologize to those on my personal contacts list for my old Yahoo! account. I recently learned its been hacked and many of you have received spam from the account. No, I'm not trying to sell you products or improve your sex life or show you a new way to make money online, just so you know. I hardly ever use that account anymore but I did change the password so hopefully no more spam for you all. Yay.

Second, I just finished a week long intensive course on bereavement counseling for loss & grief. If I get the chance I would like to share some of my insights with you all on the many things I learned from the class. It was particularly hard for me since mom died and going to class brought back a lot of the initial anxiety and uncertainty that was felt in those months following. Its true, life is only considered precious if we remember death just as much as we focus on life. My thoughts on all this, soon to come iA. :)

Third, its the 2nd week of Ramadan and fasting is not as difficult as one would expect. We are in the 2nd 3rd of the month, which means these days are for forgiveness (hey I guess apologizing for the spam fits in right?) I've fallen behind on my Quran a bit this week but I intend to catch up iA and by the way, the iQuran app - amazing. May Allah bless the app-maker(s) and may He forgive us all this month, ameen. Some friends and I are partaking in a fun 'Quran race' competition this month, the one who reads the most will receive a prize at the end (though I most likely will not be among the finalists, I will decline my prize in-advance if I am.) Will I finish the Quran this month? It's about 16 days too soon to say! ;-P Insha'Allah (God-willing) ::engines reving:: Here. We. Go!

* A note on Somalia - During this month of generosity, please think about the suffering that is going on over there, they are facing intense famine and drought and men, women, and children are dying by the thousands. Please make dua for them and better yet, donate to charities that are working on the ground and providing relief. What will we say to God on the Day of Judgment if we do not help? If we break our own fasts and not theirs?

Fourth, when I'm tired from all else, I like to pick up my Rurouni Kenshin manga, (of which I'm delighted to say, I have now acquired in full) and read the full original story for the first time. So far, I've read the entire 'Legend of Kyoto' Arc and am currently midway "Jinchuu" Arc. Since my volumes 1 & 2 VizBig editions just arrived I will be reading the "Tales from the Meiji" arc (aka Season 1) last. I will say that it is definitely awesome, as great as the TV series if not more. All-in-all I enjoy both equally and prefer some elements of the manga to the TV series and vice-versa. I was soooo going to post an awesome philosophical piece on the differences between the world-views of Kenshin & Shishio, but then Ramadan came and redirected my attention elsewhere. Maybe when I have the time and motivation I will get to it. Also, I find it interesting how reading Kenshin has coincided with my bereavement class. Kenshin's philosophy (of life being the strongest motivation to endure) fits in nicely with the same lessons I learned in class. Anyways, in other Kenshin news, I am uber excited about the new series Watsuki-san is rumored to be working on (actually its not a rumor) and its my hope, along with the hopes of many fans that he produces the Jinchuu arc for TV. Even though we get it in piecemeal via the "Trust & Betrayal" and "Reminiscence" OVAs, it would still be nice to see it in its entirety all-together. Either that or a story revolving around the 10 years of wandering Kenshin did following the end of the Bakumatsu (prior to meeting up with the RuroKen cast.) OR(o) if neither of these is in the works, it would be great to have another spin off series like "Yahiko no Sakabato," perhaps one revolving around Himura Kenji?? (O'kudasai Watsuki-san! ::wink wink::) I'm also excited about the live-action film expected to be released sometime soon. The world of Kenshin will remain "so long as this one wields this sakabato."


P.S- Shop at the Borders bookstore ASAP before it shuts down! Some really good deals, and let's all build up our libraries and be erudite future awesomers! Also, in-case you were wondering, no - the title "Prisoner786" has absolutely NOTHING to do with the film 'VeerZara' (God no, but I'm sure I've already commented on this before) and yes, the Elric brothers atop are making dua. :)