Tuesday, September 17, 2013

FF7: CC OST- "A Flower Blooming in the Slums" (Aeris' theme)

Monday, September 16, 2013

FF7: Crisis Core OST - "A Closed Off Village"

The Spider & The Man

A man asked a spider how it can just sit there for hours on end, wasting away its short life, and not move despite having eight legs. The spider replied, "O vicegerent, your heart can accommodate God and He has made it as a mirror for Himself- how is it then that you waste your days and remain yet unmoved!?" The man went quiet and the spider left.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tekken 2 OST - Emotionless Passion (Kazuya Mishima's theme)

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Heera - Maar Chadapa

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


By Ruhudeen Ali
August 27th, 2013

"Oh wow! they're so cool"
watch them go down like fools
circles and circles amuse
spinning around in this whirlpool

"They've got some nice thoughts"
"and it's nice here on their yacht"
"I wonder what more they've got?"
"To be his? Have I got a shot?"

The girls wonder, as the water level rises
but they're still bedazzled by mens' surprises
peel the masks to see the guises
they're in the ocean of compromises

And the yacht moves along the crashing waves
everybody goes for what they crave
nobody here is brave
they will soon be in their graves

And the vortex finally takes shape
unknown to the party of apes
busy in their fineries and crepes
upon the deck of disgrace 

Now the vessel picks up speed, heading for the center
the girls regret having entered
the men were just pretenders
traps for the opposite gender

But now its too late, the yacht is circling down
everyone aboard is wearing frowns
thinking why did they follow these clowns
it will soon be their time to drown

The ship nears the bottom of the sepulcher
the waves tear apart the yacht, what's left of her
all because they accepted the offer of lucifer
they lost sight and chased after the ephemeral

An allegory to illustrate the power of false charm
without thinking, you can be lead to great harm
be careful who you accept that extends his arm
the prairie is deceptive, be happy in your barn

Oh now they're so cool
watch them go down like fools
circles and circles confuse
sinning around in this whirlpool

Amma Dekh Tera Munda

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Grandia OST - The Edge of the World

Eternal Questions

Eternal Questions
By Ruhudeen Ali
August 21st, 2013

Who am I and why am I here?
What is this anxiety, this unsettling fear?
What is my purpose, why was I born?
Am I special or am I the norm?
What makes me human, what is our role in this world?
And would it matter if I was a girl? 
What is this place, our planet Earth?
And is it true I was made of clay and dirt?
Are we alone or is there life out there somewhere?
Does it even matter, should I even care?
Who is God and why are we told to have faith?
And does He mind that over Him we debate?
What is religion and why do we follow rituals?
And is it ok to just be spiritual?
Why are we judged by which path we choose?
Is it black & white? Win or lose?
Is there a place such as Hell & Heaven?
Will we all be forgiven, believers & heathens?
Is there an afterlife after death?
Or should I make the most of life with whatever's left?
Will we see our loved ones again after they’re gone?
Are fading memories all that’s left to hold on?
Why are there different divisions of people?
Why do we hurt others and treat them as unequals?
What's the deal with status and social classes?
Don't we all eat and wipe our own asses?
Why are the powerful so high & mighty?
Don't they realize that they were once tiny?
Why can't we solve our human problems?
Or is it that some groups benefit by not solving them?
What is love and how do you find it?
And once you find it, how do you keep it?
What is freedom and oppression?
What is happiness and depression?
What is death and what is life?
What is comfort, what is strife?
What is a life of meaning?
What is scheming and dreaming?
What is finitude and infinity?
What is creation, what is divinity?
What is the truth, what is the lie?
What are the answers, we haven't got the time
Will we ever come to know?
Or was it all just a process to help us grow?
Maybe we already have the answers that we need
Maybe all it was, was a tale of a sprouting seed.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sahifat as-Sajjadiyya - Supplication 44 (Prayer for Ramadan)

Praise belongs to God who guided us to His praise 
and placed us among the people of praise
that we might be among the thankful for His beneficence
and that He might recompense us for that
with the recompense of the good-doers!

And praise belongs to God who showed favor to us through His religion
singled us out for His creed
and directed us onto the roads of His beneficence
in order that through His kindness we might travel upon them
to his good pleasure
a praise which He will accept from us and through which He will be pleased with us!

And praise belongs to God who appointed among those roads His month
the month of Ramadan
the month of fasting
the month of submission
the month of purity
the month of putting to test
the month of standing in prayer
in which the Qur'an was sent down as a guidance to the people
and as clear signs of the Guidance and Separator!

He clarified its excellence over other months
by the many sacred things and well-known excellencies
which He placed therein
for he made unlawful in it what He declared lawful in others to magnify it
He prohibited foods and drinks in it to honor it
and he appointed for it a clear time which He (Majestic and Mighty is He)
allows not to be set forward
and accepts not to be placed behind

Then He made one of its nights surpass the nights of a thousand months
and named it the Night of Decree;
in it the angels and the Spirit descend
by leave of their Lord upon every command
a peace constant in blessings
until the rising of the dawn
upon whomsoever He will of His servants
according to the decision He has made firm

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
inspire us with knowledge of its excellence
veneration of its inviolability
and caution against what Thou hast forbidden within it
and help us to fast in it
by our restraining our limbs
from acts of disobedience toward Thee
and our employing them in that which pleases Thee
so that we lend not our ears to idle talk 
and hurry not with our eyes to diversion
we stretch not our hands toward the forbidden
and stride not with our feet toward the prohibited
our bellies hold only what Thou hast made lawful
and our tongues speak only what Thou hast exemplified
we undertake nothing but what brings close to Thy reward
and pursue nothing but what protects from Thy punishment!
Then rid all of that from the false show of the false showers
and the fame-seeking of the fame-seekers
lest we associate therein anything with Thee
or seek therein any object of desire but Thee!

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
in it make us attend to the appointed moments of the five prayers within
the bounds Thou hast set, the obligations Thou hast decreed
the duties Thou hast assigned and the times Thou hast specified
and in the prayers make us alight in the station of the keepers of their stations
the guardians of their pillars, their performers in their times
as Thy servant and Thy Messenger set down in his sunnah 
(Thy blessings be upon him and his Household)
in their bowings, their prostrations, and all their excellent acts
with the most complete and ample ritual purity
and the most evident and intense humility!

Give us success in this month to tighten our bonds of kin with devotion and gifts
attend to our neighbors with bestowal and giving
rid our possessions from claims
purify them through paying the alms
go back to him who has gone far from us
treat justly him who has wronged us
make peace with him who shows enmity toward us
(except him who is regarded as an enemy in Thee and for Thee
for he is the enemy whom we will not befriend, the party whom we will not hold dear)
and seek nearness to Thee through blameless works which will purify us from sins
and preserve us from renewing faults
so that none of Thy angels will bring for Thee 
the kinds of obedience and sorts of nearness-seeking unless they be less than what we bring!

O God, I ask Thee by the right of this month
and by the right of him who worships Thee within it
from its beginning to the time of its passing
whether angel Thou hast brought nigh to Thee
prophet Thou has sent or righteous servant Thou hast singled out
that Thou bless Muhammad and his Household
make us worthy of the generosity Thou hast promised Thy friends
make incumbent for us what Thou hast made incumbent
for those who go to great lengths in obeying Thee
and place us in the ranks of those who deserve through Thy mercy the highest elevation!

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,
turn us aside from deviation in professing Thy Unity,
falling short in magnifying Thee in Thy religion
blindness toward Thy path, heedlessness of Thy inviolability
and being deceived by Thy enemy, the accursed Satan!

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
and when in every night of this month's nights
Thou hast necks which Thy pardon will release
and Thy forgiveness, disregard
place our necks among those necks and place us among the best folk 
and companions of this our month!

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
efface our sins along with the effacing of its crescent moon
and make us pass forth from the ill effects of our acts
with the passing of its days until it leaves us behind
while within it Thou hast purified us of offenses and rid us of evil deeds!

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
and should we go off to one side in this month, set us aright;
should we swerve, point us straight; and should Thy enemy Satan enwrap us
rescue us from him!

O God, fill this month with our worship of Thee
adorn its times with our obedience toward Thee
help us during its daytime with its fast
and in its night with prayer and pleading toward Thee
humility toward Thee and lowliness before Thee
so that its daytime may not bear witness against our heedlessness
nor its night against our neglect!

O God, make us like this in the other months and days
as long as Thou givest us life and place us among Thy righteous servants
those who shall inherit Paradise, therein dwelling forever
those who give what they give while their hearts quake
that they are returning to their Lord
those who vie in good works, outracing to them!

O God, bless Muhammad and his Household
in every time, in all moments, and in every state
to the number that Thou hast blessed whomsoever Thou hast blessed
and to multiples of all that, through multiples
which none can count but Thee!
Surely Thou art Accomplisher of what Thou desirest.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Examine The Examination

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

"Blessed be He in Whose hands is Dominion: and He over all things hath Power― He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed: and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving" [Qur'an 67:1-2]

In this verse of the Holy Qur'an, Allah (swt) says He creates death and life; two universal principles within the cosmos, to set up an examination of the finite time between these two universal states of being, existing and non-existing. Notice how He mentions death before mentioning life, this is fascinating because when we examine the contents of the entire observable universe we see that life is very rare in comparison to the non-living matter. It's important to remember that although matter exists it does not necessarily live. A dead body exists but is no longer living, for example.

Life indeed is rare in the universe, and death is the inevitable end of all things but they themselves are a means to the end or purpose behind which God created them - to test His creatures in their works, deeds or actions. This test has qualitative ranking and is not judged on purely numerical scoring. God knows that a numerical score of ones deeds would result in statistically skewed results where numerous groups of creatures would score high, median, and low based on certain deeds but would not necessarily reflect the true merit (or lack thereof) of those deeds given the context and circumstances in which they were performed, if deeds translated strictly to a numerical value. Rather, God tries us in quality because it is qualitative distinction that will really separate the classes of merits. [See Ch. 56, Surah Waqi'ah] And God, in that distinction of qualitative judgment, is merciful. "He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving" [67:2]

If life is meant to be a test or examination, then we should study the elements of examinations in general to understand the real truths about this life, afterall, if the true purpose of being is to undergo this examination of deeds then the resulting phenomena associated with examinations will be the hallmarks and truths of life itself. We will see if this is true. So let us begin our inquiry into what constitutes examination, testing, trials and the like by asking ourselves a few questions first. 

When we say we have an examination (exam, short) test or trial, what physical behaviors, emotional thoughts, and spiritual practices are associated with that stressful time-frame? The most obvious characteristic of testing is the aspect of inquiry, or asking of questions that will lead to answers. Every age group has questions about life, and each is profound for the time of development. The child asks, "who can I trust?" The teen asks "is this what I believe to be my identity?" The adult asks, "have I lived a meaningful life?" Each question is necessary, each answer as well if one is to live an informed life. Next we can say that one undergoing an exam or about to undergo one is likely anxious for good results. And are we not anxious in life for good results in nearly everything? The answer is obviously, 'yes.' We can also say that an examinee has sensibly prepared for the exam and that the anxiety he/she faces is dependent somewhat upon his/her degree of preparation. In other words, preparation is a key element in successfully passing an exam with good results. We can add to this by saying that one who prepares thoroughly differs in mindset from one who does not prepare, and that the former may have a degree of faith in his/her preparation over the doubts of the latter for the lack thereof in preparation. This we see commonly in the worldly life as well as preparation, training, and hard work not only becomes a source of reward but a source of comfort, security, and meaning for the one who achieves it. These people do not feel as anxious as those who do not prepare do, fear and doubt in expecting good results is something they need not experience. It comes down to trust or faith in their knowledge and belief in a good outcome that gives hope to the prepared ones. Another thing we notice about examinees is the tension, stress, and fatigue they experience as a result of that heightened state of demand where their minds and bodies must give them more to perform at higher levels. This too, is the central element of life, as expectations create demands that push our bodies and minds to their limits, resulting in fatigue, breakdowns, and tensions of all kinds. Further if we look at testing conditions, we see that the examinee is more or less isolated from others. In this world we are each born alone and die alone, set in our graves alone; companionship does not hide this fact for "companionship" is merely the presence of other students in the testing room- you are still left to take the exam yourself, so too in life. Testing conditions also have more stringent rules during examination times, this is to prevent cheating or unlawful advantages during testing and is a way to give every student a fair chance at passing the exam. The same can be said about life, as religious and civil laws are principles meant for creating justice within society and for allowing everyone the chance to be good, moral, and productive citizens of their states and countries. Another element to examine is the brevity of duration and discomfort that all tests share in common compared to non-testing states. Indeed, if we ponder not too excessively, we can already see that life is fleeting and is short, always presenting us with choices between lesser or greater discomforts. Finally, every test has a range of material that is being tested, presented within a certain format to help draw the correct answers from the examinee. Similarly, life tests a range of human 'material' if you will- our patience, generosity, forbearance, acceptance, tolerance, kindness, anger, jealousy, and in a nutshell, our humanity. 

These are just some of the analogous similarities between examinations and life in general. If one contemplates deeper they will find more interesting parallels and fundamental truths about life. To me, this is a valid argument for the case that life itself is a divine test and the heavens and earth are a testing ground to that effect. The biggest thing to realize is that one's faith plays one of the most crucial roles along with their preparation, in determining a good result on the exam. This is why in religion we are told to both have faith and good deeds because you can still feel good about the exam but fail if you didn't prepare well enough or still fail if you prepared but have no faith or confidence in your answers. The final aspect of examination that hasn't yet been mentioned is the desire to finish quickly and celebrate in relief once the testing is over. We all know that feeling of being among the last few students left in the room, finishing up that exam, anticipating the end, submitting the paper and walking out relieved regardless of any faith, preparation, confidence or lack thereof beforehand. The very same can also be said about life, since life is a test, we should be happy to finish our exam when our time comes, submit our papers with hope regardless of how much we did for the exam and just leave the rest up to merciful grading and prayer. And "He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving" [Ibid]

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Talat Mahmood - Itna Na Mujhse Tu Pyar Badha

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Final Fantasy IX OST - "The Soulless Village" (Bran Bal theme)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Final Fantasy IX OST - The Place of Memory (Memoria theme)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Guru - Lifesaver

Monday, May 27, 2013

I think I Forgot How to Cry

"I Think I Forgot How to Cry"
By Ruhudeen Ali
May 27th, 2013

I think I forgot how to cry
Water running down my cheeks' sides
I think I forgot how to cry
I remember it was revealing my tender side
I think I forgot how to cry
Involving connection to something greater
I think I forgot how to cry
Like the moment I found my savior
I think I forgot how to cry
When feeling pain and hurt
I think I forgot how to cry
When my face is in the dirt
I think I forgot how to cry
Over what I allowed in myself to die
I think I forgot how to cry
Falling short of values on high
I think I forgot how to cry
When wishes go unmet
I think I forgot how to cry
When something is wrong I can't detect
I think I forgot how to cry
When love was first put to the test
I think I forgot how to cry
And when it was laid to rest
I think I forgot how to cry
The love that could never be
I think I forgot how to cry
And how it hurts to remind me
I think I forgot how to cry
When saying your final goodbye
I think I forgot how to cry
Saying "I'm okay" knowing its a lie
I think I forgot how to cry
From feeling pain inside
I think I forgot how to cry
Accepting failure after I tried
I think I forgot how to cry
From life's precious moments
I think I forgot how to cry
When speechless with condolence
I think I forgot how to cry
When innocent people die
I think I forgot how to cry
When victims of injustice decry
I think I forgot how to cry
At the sad human condition
I think I forgot how to cry
When I forget my purpose and vision
I think I forgot how to cry
Having lost my sense of pride
I think I forgot how to cry
Searching for something special inside
I think I forgot how to cry
When reminiscing the better days
I think I forgot how to cry
When accounting before Judgment Day
I think I forgot how to cry
When convening with the Divine
I think I forgot how to cry
I'm demeaning with time
I think I forgot how to cry
When brooding over past misdeeds
I think I forgot how to cry
When I can no longer weep
I think I forgot how to cry
Water running down my cheeks' sides
I think I forgot how to cry
I wonder why? ::sigh::

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

RIP Ray Manzarek

Thank you for The Doors and all the years of great music!

Rest in Peace Ray

February 12th 1939 - May 20th 2013

Break on through to the other side

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Orbital - Adnan's

Friday, May 17, 2013


by Ruhudeen Ali
May 17th, 2013

I see you and smile, with a beard on my face
you think I beguile searching me for a menacing trace
You see, we have to represent positively for our people
though in a negative light, you see us all as equals

As terrorists and fundamentalists- that's all the picture you see
its not hard to see why you're not friendly with me
but bro I don't know a single violent Muslim
I could care less about fighting the "infidel," let alone kill him

Don't get it twisted, terrorists are wicked
and I stand against them, in spite of who is depicted
on the media and TV, they got the wrong profile
probing our community, I think they should search a new locale

You see it ain't us that's starting wars
or using suicide vests nor planting bombs in cars
think of who it benefits and follow the trail
open your eyes and see the devil's lair

No Muslim with faith could ever do these crimes
cuz this is not jihad- nor sanctioned by Allah - The Sublime
some evil people are in this world with an agenda
claiming they want peace but behind the screen they're just pretenders

Allah the Most High says "Make not mischief on the Earth"
but they don't realize they're the ones spreading the hurt
to them its all about making money no matter the cost
even if it means killing other people, with their souls lost

And guess who's the number one victim?
Muslims- that's who. But how come they don't depict 'em?
"hey gotta catch that boogey man in the sleeper cell
and while we're at it might as well make some contract sales"

So before you judge our community as untrustworthy 
learn about the life of Muhammad - the praise-worthy
he taught that if a Muslim left his neighbor hungry
while he got his own fill, he was not a member of this community

Islam shows us the importance of humanity
so please distance us from this insanity
I do not need to defend my religion
cuz those with open minds will see its peaceful vision

To those who hate us, we pray for you
hoping God cleanses your hearts anew
cuz you see we're all sisters & brothers
struggling together as a single human body
with time you'll realize there is no "other."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Photek - Solaris

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Nine Inch Nails - Sunspots

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Weeping Planet

Weeping Planet
by Ruhudeen Ali
May 12th, 2013

Chop down these trees
we need more factories 
acres upon acres in miles of greed
cuz you see they're stackin these
with more mouths to feed
that exotic cuisine not that mac n' cheese
they mack and make cheese
roll up their sleeves
industries seeking G's
so bullets they squeeze 
at the animals in leaves
chop off their heads 
leave their bodies to bleed
in livestock farms consecutively 
kill the poultry it aint nuthin- its paltry
we need more leather for upholstery
and beef for our teeth

We say we want peace 
but we just want our piece of meat
like depleting the world's fisheries
what about the birds & the bees
not sexually- I mean the species
we call our sweeties 'honey'
but honeybees sufferin lately
thanks to pollution from our luxuries
and our need to chase the money
mankind killin off species
piling up our feces
new diseases- how do we treat these?
i'm saying please reconsider your itineraries

Dwelling only on our human dramas
what about the pandas & iguanas
big cats might disappear
maybe within fifty to a hundred years
dog is man's best friend cuz he doesn't bark
unlike some scary ones, that's why we kill the sharks
and what about the dolphins and the whales
forget about them man- focus on the jails
destroying the environment
saving for retirement 401ks
not saving 401k kWh on Earth Day
digging mines & blasting mountains
for man-made projects, paradises with fountains
not realizing we're terrorizing the planet
corporations approve and stamp it
destruction of ecosystems
ensuring we'll be the last of them
puffed up in our egosystems
claiming we're the victims
why do we hate mother Earth
when we were created in her womb from the dirt
going back one day to lay in rest
we were sent here to be the best
life is a test and we're the vicegerents of this home
lets work to fix the roof in our ozone
I'm not really sayin anything that hasn't been said
lets revive the planet before life on Earth goes dead!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Final Fantasy VI OST - Under Martial Law

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Beck - Loser

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

CT Resurrection Project OST - Corridors of Time [extended]

Friday, April 12, 2013

Finding the Seat of Lost Motivation

"What world do you believe in?" It's a strange question that nobody is ever really asked. Most people would rephrase it, "what cause do you believe in?" or "what sector do you work in?" and even the casual "what's your trade?" are more common questions but they do not highlight the heart of the matter as the first question does. When we are finding ourselves unmotivated, "rebels without a cause" so-to-speak, it means there is a deeper problem to our perceptions of the world(s) we live in. By "world" here, I'm referring to that cause which speaks most to us; to our ideals, values, and principles. The world which gets our attention, that moves us and motivates us. That end to which our means find the most meaning. That cause becomes the focus of our destination, and the desire to reach our goal becomes the fuel and motivation to get us there. So the question again, "what world do you believe in?" highlights several subtle points.

The first subtle point is that which we believe in, is also that which we work towards helping and supporting. If a person states "I believe in my child" it means that not only does this person have faith in their child but they also take tangible measures to support that child because they see this investment of their time as being worth the effort. One day they will not be able to physically help nor support them, to which they must then resign their wills to their faith in that person's own ability to help themselves. All causes are like this. We lend our support and efforts to strengthen that cause but we will one day be unable to contribute further support and resign our efforts to our faith in that work. "One day this vision - this dream - will be fulfilled," we say. This is the reason why the spiritual truth states that our faith will outlast our work because we will all face death but the cause/belief will outlive us.

The second subtle point is that the causes we support belong to a realm of actions and faith and these actions and faith are a world unto themselves. When we speak of the hobbies we are fond of we speak of the culture those hobbies have developed. These cultures are worlds. For example, my brother loves cars. I can say that he is "into the world of cars" and what this means is that he's into the culture that has developed around cars and car-enthusiasts. Growing up, I happened to be into the world of anime and video games. My belief was that they can provide as wholesome (halal) forms of entertainment. I took many actions to support this belief by buying games and anime and sharing these with friends. Similarly, each hobby or cause we endorse is a world we place faith in (belief) and take some action to increase the influence of that belief, cause or hobby. This principle is highlighted in the Quran in Sura al-'Asr (The Time,) Chapter 103:

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
By (the token of) time (through the ages,) verily man is in loss, except such as have faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of truth, and of patience and constancy. 

This short sura illustrates the importance of both belief (in a cause) and its complementary support through actions and deeds. We all believe in some causes that we do not take actions upon and often times its the reverse; we take actions and commit deeds without any real belief in the purpose behind those actions. The goal, however, is to have not just one or the other but to have both faith and action in that which we endorse if we are to speak of motivation - which leads me to my next point.

Motivation comes from the vision to see our beliefs come true: the causes we support and to see a possible fruition of those causes and to work towards achieving those ends. However, if we lack both belief and action, then we have no fuel nor desire to reach any goal. In other words, "man is in loss" when he lacks a belief in something nor does he act as someone informed. Rather, he becomes detached from all purpose by losing the vision of something meaningful to pursue and acts randomly with no clear intent. We can say that even animals and plants in nature act with some meaningful intent; be it instinct or voluntary action. Nature is goal-driven, man is the only one who needs to get on the boat.

The third subtle point is that which we support and endorse is also that which we love or are endeared to. We do not say of that which we hate or dislike, "I believe in so-and-so." The Israelites under Moses did not say they believed in the Pharoah who oppressed them but rather they believed in God and in Moses and Aaron. They worked toward that vision and message of Moses and were then liberated. The believers in Mecca did not believe in the cause of the Quraish, and so their belief and loyalty went to the Prophet Muhammad (S) and they worked to achieve his message and their own safety. Ultimately, the causes we endorse can be broken into these two essential components: faith and action, and again, it is these causes that become cultures and worlds unto themselves.

So we return to the question asked in the beginning, "what world do you believe in?" Now we see that this question is really asking the same thing that those other questions were asking but in a different, more impactful way. If we are to answer by saying that we believe in this world, then it would follow that we also endorse, support, and love the things of this world; that we have faith in all that it contains and we take actions to support our claim. Then we may see such a person who truly believes in this world take up more interest in worldy affairs and not pay much mind to an afterlife (if they even believe in one.) On the otherhand, if we answer this question by saying we believe in the hereafter, then it would follow that we endorse, support, and love the things of the next world by means of the limited knowledge we have concerning it, we embrace beliefs and visions for the next world and we also take actions and commit deeds that we hope will bring us to a good place when the time comes to enter it. 

For the one who believes in this world [over the afterworld] they are motivated by worldly causes and actions. They take out their time for worldly activities and consider it a worthwhile investment of their time and effort to develop themselves here and now and not think about some afterworld which may not even exist. For the one who believes in the afterworld [over this present world] they are motivated by otherworldly causes and actions. They take out their time for otherworldly activities and consider it a worthwhile investment of their time and effort to prepare themselves here and now for what they believe will surely come true, and not to dwell so much on the pleasures and pains of their temporal existence here and now. This is motivation, and motivation comes from the world(s) you believe in. The most fortunate are those who believe in both this present world and the hereafter; take seriously their visions and goals for this life and the next and work to implement their importance equally. This is the greatest summit resulting from motivation. The most unfortunate are those who believe in neither this world nor the next, they think life is random and there is no clear purpose behind anything. Their actions are aimless and they get nothing out of life. This is the deepest and worst pit resulting from a lack of motivation. We must all reflect on what we believe in and to which world those causes take us toward - material or spiritual, worldly or otherworldly - and take actions upon those beliefs and causes, for what we believe in is, (in the final analysis and at the very least,) worth saving, since we cannot save ourselves from death but to the one who believes and works towards those lofty goals, he safeguards everything. And to the one who neither believes nor works toward anything lofty, he loses his beliefs and values, his life's work and himself. He loses everything. 

Monday, April 1, 2013

Balaghal 'Ula Bi Kamalihi (performed by The Syrian Munshids)

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Phir Karam Hogaya Main Madinay Chala

Phir Karam Hogaya Main Madinay Chala (InshaAllah!) Alhamdulillahi Rabbil 'alameen!!! :)

Rurouni Kenshin (2012)

Before reviewing this film I should probably mention that I haven't seen a whole lot of anime-to-live-action film adaptations (well, I'm not sure how many there are out there to begin with...) but having said that, not only was it incredibly refreshing to see Rurouni Kenshin on the big screen but to see it done well! I have to say, it was a big surprise to see an anime converted to a live-action film this well. A big thank you to the producers of this film! That's not to say that there weren't critical points to address, but I'll start first with what I thought they did right. ***NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SPOILER-FREE REVIEW***

As a big fan of RK, I was elated to see Himura Kenshin come to life and I thought Takeru Sato did a near perfect job of rendering Kenshin in the flesh. What I liked about his portrayal was that he was somewhat stoic when reflective over his past as the Battousai but cheerful as the Rurouni when around the rest of the cast. Takeru-san also has that soft effeminate air to him that Kenshin does so he had the look and mannerisms down. He also shows the power and agility of the Battosai very well. I thought the balance was believable. The only scene I had some trouble understanding was the scene in which Kenshin (as the hitokiri battousai) murders Kiyosato (Tomoe's fiancee) and seems to be shivering afterwards. I take it that it wasn't the cold or the wound from the scar, but in the context of the film perhaps this was Kenshin's first assignment (and hence first assassination) and that's what made him feel sick. He could have also had a premonition that some bad omen was about to take place soon. In the OVA [Trust & Betrayal/Tsuiokuhen] he is shown more cold-blooded and unmoved. Anyways, I thought that was a subtle but interesting difference. All-in-all, I thought Kenshin was very well portrayed and I was happy with Takeru-san's rendition.

My next concern was Saito Hajime, who was played by Yosuke Eguchi and I must say, I was happy with his portrayal. It showed his dedication to justice, order, and his pride in the bushido code that is a big part of Saito's character (along with some spunk,) and is faithfully shown demeaning Kenshin's softer approach to defeating his enemies. It's hard to get Saito's look down perfectly but he actually did a very good job (I was happy enough with it to overlook the absence of the spider leg bangs.) The rest of the cast I thought was a very good fit - Kaoru (Emi Takei), Megumi (Yu Aoi) and Yahiko (who had a minor role.) Perhaps the only exception I'd say is the guy who played Sanosuke (Munetaka Aoki) as I thought they could've found someone better, but Sano is a brawler and to that end this guy portrays that aspect of him well. Lastly, I thought Koji Kikkawa's portrayal of Udo Jin-e was great.

As far as the plot goes, I actually thought it was nice how they condensed some sub-plots from the manga/TV series & used character substitutions that made sense in the framework of the film. For example, there was no Hiruma Gohei (fake battousai) but instead Takeda Kanryu was using Udo-Jin-e and the Oniwabanshu as hired bodyguards to protect his drug-ring. Another example was how Saito joins Kenshin in Kanryu's mansion instead of Hannya (because Hannya was Kenshin's opponent earlier on) which leads me to the most interesting amalgamation - the masked character of the Oniwabanshu (who we can presume was Hannya) had the look of Enishi but the fighting style of Aoshi (kodachi.) Hopefully in a future sequel they can bring the real Aoshi and Enishi as separate characters. Overall, the plot made sense and showed the difficulty that the characters of the old world had in adjusting to a new world.

The coolest aspect of the film was that nearly all the fighting scenes had actual swordplay as opposed to special effects, CGI or heavy-use of wires. That was impressive. Not only does it look fantastic, but it looks authentic. It gives you a sense of the true sword skill used by some of these characters. It's hard to pick which fight scene was the best because they were all enjoyable. The musical score was OK, not great but not bad either. There were some scenes where certain tracks were a little off-sounding or some scenes that maybe could have used some music, etc. But overall nothing that takes away from the film. The film's setting was nicely done, I felt like I was taken back to Meiji-era Japan, all the sets and costume designs were spot on.

What I enjoyed most about the film was just to see these loveable characters come to life for the first time in a believable way, in a story that works and was well-acted and well-made. I did not mind what little liberties they took in their efforts because I appreciated the overall effort and dedication to stay true to RK's roots- on that note, I think it did a fantastic job. It also sets up the possibility for a likely sequel(s) which is even more awesome and exciting. I'm really happy to see my favorite fictional hero finally brought to life on-screen in a way that did not disappoint me. I think every RK fan needs to see this film but especially to support its release - buy it and share it (I certainly intend to.) Even to those who are unfamiliar with RK, there is something there to offer as the film has a great deal of action and a fun, coherent story with likeable characters. I was really happy to see positive reviews and great reception and I hope this only lends to more support for future RK works. This is a great time to be an RK fan, that it is. ^_^

Presentation/Story: 8.5/10
Characters: 9.5/10
Setting: 10/10
Music: 6/10
Value: 10/10
Quirks: 2/10 (+8)

THE GOOD: A refreshing & delightful surprise! Great casting, good story, and set-up for future sequels - what more can an RK fan ask for!? Also a lot of fan service in this film. Finally we get to see these guys make it to the big screen! :D :D :D
THE BAD: What happens if they don't make a film based on the Kyoto-arc. (grrr...)
THE UGLY: What happens if they don't make a film based on the Jinchuu-arc. (grrrrrrrrrrrr....)

Review: 8.7/10

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Neon Genesis Evangelion OST - Rei II

Friday, February 8, 2013

Lata Mangeshkar- Ae Dil-e-Nadan

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Madness, In Our Name

By Ruhudeen Ali
February 6th, 2013

No need to explain, forget the blame 
just watch the game, be entertained
yea, it's a shame
when there's madness done in our name

So sad to see the suffering of the weak
but it will all be forgotten by next week
'Once I have this, my life will be complete
next month perhaps, I'll repeat'

'I can hardly think with these parties and drinks
its too much to connect the dots and links
besides, why dwell over what stinks
and try to solve the riddle of the Sphinx?'

'I have people to meet
relationships to cheat
cuisines to eat 
and my own foes to defeat'

'I know those higher ups are involved
but I have my own problems to solve
somehow it'll all be resolved
Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta get to the mall'

TV shows, movies, games and fashion
dedicate yourself to some obsession
change the channel on the tension
forget even the mention, get back to your passions

In a world where what's practiced and preached
are conveniently breached
the truth we seek's discovery
is up to each

The price we pay to remain persons lay
is freedom's voice that once held sway
in the face of tyranny's stay
we paint our faces grey

There are those we hurt and injure
with the signing of our leader's signature
can we remain immature
when there's responsibility to explore?

'So to all those who face our uniform
get used to this new norm
you were warned by the labels from the shrapnel on our bombs
and we still apologized to your moms'

'Now can we just get back to the way things were?
When I didn't have a conscience that would stir
and now that condolences have been offered
can I get back to my intoxicants and lovers?' 

'Your life or my life, that's what its about-
he who has the upper-hand in this bout
if the tables were reversed, I'd be the one to shout
but you coming to my aid as I helped you? I doubt'

So indeed why complain? Things will change
give it time, just watch the game
be entertained, yea its a damn shame
when madness is done in our name.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Xenogears OST - One Who Bares Fangs At God

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 16 (Mitchell)

Chapter 16: Divine Traits & Demonic Traits

"The blessed lord [Krishna] said: Fearlessness, purity of heart, persistence in the yoga of knowledge, generosity, self-control, nonviolence, gentleness, candor, (1) integrity, disengagement, joy in the study of the scriptures, compassion for all beings, modesty, patience, a tranquil mind, (2) dignity, kindness, courage, a benevolent, loving heart- these are the qualities of men born with divine traits, Arjuna. (3) Hypocrisy insolence anger, cruelty, ignorance, conceit- these, Arjuna, are the qualities of men with demonic traits. (4) The divine traits lead to freedom; the demonic, to suffering and bondage. But do not be concerned, Arjuna: the traits you have are divine. (5) The demonic and the divine are the two kinds of men in this world. The divine I have told you about; now learn about the demonic. (6)

Demonic men do not realize what should and what should not be done; there is no purity of heart, no virtue, no truth inside them. (7) They say that life is an accident caused by sexual desire, that the universe has no moral order, no truth, no God. (8) Clinging to this stupid belief, drawn into cruelty and malice, they become lost souls and, at last, enemies of the whole world. (9) Driven by insatiable lusts, drunk on the arrogance of power, hypocritical, deluded, their actions foul with self-seeking (10) tormented by a vast anxiety that continues until their death, convinced that the gratification of desire is life's sole aim, (11) bound by a hundred shackles of hope, enslaved by their greed, they squander their time dishonestly piling up mountains of wealth. (12) "Today I got this desire, and tomorrow I will get that one; all these riches are mine, and soon I will have even more. (13) Already I have killed these enemies and soon I will kill the rest; I am the lord, the enjoyer, successful, happy, and strong, (14) noble, and rich, and famous. Who on earth is my equal? I will worship, give alms, and rejoice." Thus think these ignorant fools. (15) Bewildered by endless thinking, entangled in the net of delusion, addicted to desire, they plunge into the foulest of hells. (16) Self-centered, stubborn, filled with all the insolence of wealth, they go through the outward forms of worship, but their hearts are elsewhere. (17) Clinging to the I-sense, to power, to arrogance, lust, and rage, they hate me, denying my presence in their own and in others' bodies. (18) Through all the cycles of birth and death, I hurl these depraved, cruel, and hate-filled men into demonic wombs. (19) Trapped in demonic wombs, deluded in birth after birth, they never reach me, Arjuna, but sink to the lowest state. (20) This is the soul-destroying threefold entrance to hell: desire, anger, and greed. every man should avoid them. (21) The man who refuses to enter these three gates into darkness does what is best for himself and attains the ultimate goal. (22) But the man who rejects the scriptures, chasing his own desires, cannot attain the goal of true joy or true success. (23) Therefore, guided by the scriptures, know what to do and not do; first understand their injunctions, then act uprightly in the world." (24) 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Nas - Dance