Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Movie Review - Bigger, Stronger, Faster

This film is an excellent examination of the use of performance-enhancing drugs within American culture and how being "natural" at sports, competition, and war is not good enough anymore, and how America as a nation has become obsessed with winning at all costs. The film goes through the personal journey of Chris Bell and his other two brothers who grew up idolizing the heroic muscle-men who taught them to never cheat and to play by the rules, but as they got older they realized that their heroes were far from ideal and that "everybody cheats." The film presents both sides of the ethical perspective on whether or not steroid usage is ultimately okay, but leaves the viewer with a sense of being cheated by all the accomplishments that were awarded to these people who were on these enhancement drugs. By the end of the film you get a sense of how fake anything in front of a camera is and a frightening reality check on how far we are willing to push the envelope, and whether or not we will ever draw the line.


Here's the official trailer taken off the website:

**Mike Bell, (Chris Bell's older brother) actually passed away recently so the message of the film becomes even more powerful.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Pharmacist Rap

Check it, its the pharmacist rap

By Ruhudeen Ali

I had a customer today
said back in the day he did a lot of *yay
but now he's gettin high off Ephedrine
had a dispute with his brethren
got punched in the mid-section
now he's feeling nauseous
and he needs me to fill him some Reglan.

I asked if his girlfriend was still pregnant, the Latino
he said "no but she's still on immunos"
I asked what kind he said Rapamune
"how much does she consume?"
"3mg twice a day I presume"
in the meantime I filled his Reglan and said
"that's $5 co-pay and lay off the shrooms"
He left the room and the next customer walked in rather soon.

He looked kinda thin and said "Lemarkus, Prograf"
the pharmacy was short of 0.5mg Tacrolimus so I said
"can you come back a little after half past? I'm a little short on staff"
Then stepped in a lady she looked kinda crazy
had a long list of meds you could tell she was shady
tryin to stock up on refills before they were due
don't know if it was for maintenance drugs
or for a satanist cult but she wanted Percocet and Tylenol 3
that's with Codeine so I had to get mean
she said "its for my spleen" then I heard her moan
so I knew she needed the Prednisone so I told her
"call us tomorrow on the phone we'll have it sent to your home."

Meanwhile another woman storms in
I said "lady your late, here's your Amlodopine Besylate"
then she sat for her blood pressure, the cuff was against the wall
I thought to myself she could probably use some Metoprolol
cuz I'm sure her pressure would be high
kinda like that guy who came in earlier who asked for Furosemide
but he was bloated and with fluid he was prone
so for good measure I gave him some Metolazone
but told him to watch for his Potassium in-case it drops
then taking the meds in conjunction he needs to stop.

Then came a man who was so sick he could barely stand
(was he the one who ordered the Diovan?)
he looked so frail but my way he wasn't facin
I gave him his Ciprofloxacin and told him to be patient
He wanted to know how long it'd be
I told him first he'd have to finish his course of TMP-SMZ
And for his inflammations he needed the Naproxen
but he was short on cash so I told him its the same as Motrin
He asked me about Robaxin "I said its a muscle relaxant"
He then left the pharmacy but forgot his Levothyroxine
for his thyroid problems, or maybe I'm mistaken?

Then came in the shipment of 500mg Cellcept
the boxes were well-kept and he brought in some more
the phone rang and it was the doctor calling in for Mrs. Johnson's Lipitor
"Make it 40mg he said"
Quickly came in Mr. Bell who had a fungal problem
I said "here Mr. Bell there's your Nystatin no problem"
"And if you can, ask your doctor to order the Diflucan"
But he seemed unsatisfied and replied
"where the hell is my Plavix??"
I said "I'm sorry sir but today we don't have it"
In came a young man telling me about his father's GERD unresolved
I asked him if he's still taking 20mg of Omeprazole
he said "Yes but he also needs the Insulin"
"Not to sound mean or anything
but isn't he on the Humalog and the Glargine?"

Next came in Mrs. Thomas who was pregnant
she came in to pick up the 150mg Niferex
because last time she didn't pick up the whole supply and was running late
but this time she took it all and finally took the Docusate
I told her that for a pregnant lady her Calcium needs to be up to par
so I asked her if the doctor had ordered any Sensipar
then from outside I saw a car, it was her husband yelling from afar
"I'm getting late" she said "Take care, and don't forget to fill the Benicar!"

It was now 8PM and it was time to close
finally after a long and stressful day
I get home so I can rest my toes
"Who knows what tomorrow holds"
The thought of the customers cramming in droves
drove me crazy as I heated up some soup on the stove
"Tomorrow's another day another pill to refill,
and some more new customers who are ill"
I wasn't really stressed because I knew the drill
I got in my pajamas shut off the light and took my Benadryl.

* yay = cocaine

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Conversation with Tariq Ramadan

Here is an excellent interview with Tariq Ramadan, a respected European academic and intellectual, speaking on contextual understanding, reformation, and man's propensity to violence and religion's role to appease tensions and promote peace through forgiveness.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Women: The Guardians of Sexuality

By Ruhudeen Ali

Before anyone comes lashing out at me assuming this essay will be about the exploitation of women in any shape or form, or that women are prone to sexuality (because of the title,) or anything presuming that I, a male writing about women and sexuality, seek to prove women as any way inferior to men - rest assured - that is not the intent of this writing. It is not an attempt to legitimize the echoes from the ages of male-chauvinism, nor is it a salute to feminism nor "female-chauvinism." This is not about the equality of the sexes, men and women are not equal and at the same time, they most certainly are. This is not a cheap lecherous read about sex and the nasty, nor is it about the profanity in the act of passion. It is not an examination about flesh but an analysis of an idea, a concept that has erupted within our society since ages long passed. What is sexuality, and why is it important to answer this question? What role does sexuality play with modesty? For we cannot answer the question of modesty without an examination of its counterpart. Sexuality is defined as thus: "recognition of or emphasis upon sexual matters," [1] but this I say, is a rather simplistic understatement of the concept. The expression of sexuality is a power. It is a trait, a trait very much like other human and animal traits by way of exhibition yet different in nature.

All traits serve a purpose and it is to fulfill the object of the trait's function that gives it its purpose. Men and women both exhibit sexuality but unlike expressions such as "kindness," "forbearance," and "grace," sexuality is a power that is initiated by either gender, but preserved by one. That is to say, said traits can be expressed by both men and women at any time, including sexiness, but its custodial rights belong to the gender that has control over the function to which that trait was designed to fulfill. Traits like "patience" and "virtue" can be found among males and females alike but these traits are more abstract than the trait of being sexy which by its nature serves to perform a clear function, while more abstract traits such as "cheerfulness" for example do not have a clear resulting function. Cheerfulness can make one happy or it can help null depression, for example. "Beauty" can be said to serve the purpose of attraction, while "strength" can be said to serve the purpose of defense and protection/preservation. These are more concrete examples of traits and their resultant functions. Sexiness is just another example of a concrete trait that serves a function, the function of coitus. This is the time to ask, "Why then are women the custodians of sexuality? And if so, why is it exclusive to them?" Further discussion will hopefully reveal the answers to these questions.

As it stands now, by appraisal of human history and reflection of our modern society, this is our sad truth, that unfortunately, females are still universally recognized the world-over as "sex-objects." Not that women are objectified and reduced to mere fleshy gratifications, but that its the "object" that has an aura of sexuality to it. Before assuming this was a blatant sexist, bigoted statement, consider the following: We have, in our modern times, attempted to proverbially "dawn the veil" over issues of women's sexuality. The Feminist movement seeks to remove the stigmatic mark of sexuality from women just as much as it attempts to "androgenize" men and women with respect to ability, ideals, emotions, goals, rights, and other issues for which neither gender should be evaluated by the curves nor the parts of their bodies, but by the very spirit that makes us all human. That being said, Feminism has not removed sexuality from the female entirely, it rather seeks to purify it from the male-dominated market which manipulates it. That is to say, Feminism, nor male-chauvinism, nor any other kind of gender-interest movement has ever entirely removed the tag of sexuality away from the female. She's still a "Pretty Woman" and there is still "Sex in the City." The woman still has sex appeal, no matter the times we live in, and unless things evolve in a revolutionary fashion, that is likely to be left unchanged. "Sex appeal" can be defined simply as "the ability to excite people sexually" or more elaborately as an "immediate appeal or obvious potential to interest or excite others, as by appearance, style, or charm." [Ibid] So what is the connection to sexuality? Sex appeal is the expression of sexuality. Given the theory that sexuality is owned by women, it would then seem logical for its expression (i.e - sex appeal) to come naturally to women. Research would likely indicate women as having more sex appeal than men in general - irreverent to sexual preference or orientation. For example, were we to take a global statistical study of straight men (and how often these men) feel sexually attracted to women and vice-versa, there is almost no contest that the women would be the more likely attraction by a show of numbers. Similarly, if an analysis of gays, lesbians, and bi-sexuals can show that there is a greater number of lesbians and female bi-sexuals in the world than there are of gay men and male bi-sexuals in total (assuming that the difficulty of coming out of the closet is equalized for both men & women,) then we can reasonably conclude that the female sex is more sexually attractive as a whole than the male sex (at least for the human species.) One need not look too far as there are more women used in advertisements than are men, for the purpose of enticing us toward the product. We already see a degree of possessiveness that the female has over sexuality in respect of her dominance in this area, and rightfully so. This is one part of the answer.

Human females, along with females of countless other species who sexually reproduce, usually have the final word on who gets to mate with her. That is to say, the female has the power to give or withhold sex from any anxious males. This is what is meant by her "control over the function to which that trait (i.e - sexuality) was designed to fulfill." Looking past biology's role in this factor, women clearly have the say more times than men on who is having sex, when, and how often. This gives her control and in essence, power. We know that sexuality can sometimes be a power struggle between the two agents and rape is a prime example of this. Rape is nothing more than an agent seeking to dominate another to gain a sense of power over the victim. Though rape is extreme, healthy sex can also exhibit a degree of this power struggle. So if the female can have control over most sexual matters, it is fair to say that she holds the key to sexuality itself if we say that sex appeal is a door that leads to the act of intercourse. Men usually have to exert themselves in the process of courtship in gaining acceptance by the female or otherwise take a coercive and manipulative route (i.e- sexual harassment.) Being that males do not make this decision about who gets to mate and when, they naturally lack power in this respect with regard to the female. In other words, women have power over men sexually. With any kind of power comes responsibility and women have realized this, but just as any creature would use a skill or talent to improve its living, women have also used their sexual abilities to advance themselves in society. Modeling, beauty pageants, and prostitution are a few institutes that have used this power of the woman for their own purposes. If women saw these institutes as being sexist by nature, then they would refuse (where possible and free of coercion) to support them but many of them choose not to. This because they know their power has influence on the men in the society and can earn them a handsome wealth monetarily. Whether that is right or wrong is for the women to decide how to ethically use their power in the appropriate manner without the opinions of men.

History is a slide-show of power struggles all around and gender identity comes as no exception to this. Though this is not a new discovery by any means, history can show us examples of societies that recognized this power in the woman and either embellished it or tried to suppress it. Cultures around the world recognize this power of seduction in women but more often than not abuse that power either by shamelessly exploiting it or burying it to the point of nonsense. If it is true that this is one area that women clearly have a dominance over men, then it would come as no surprise that the battle of the sexes would have something to do with the female's sexual power and the expression or repression of it. The Bible attempts to vilify Eve as the sexual temptress for which the Original Sin came about (i.e - sex) and this was man's way of curbing the power of women. Many cultures around the world expect their women to cover modestly to varying degrees and yet other cultures take the opposite approach and encourage scantily-clad dress, where there is nothing of the sort that is expected of men. Men are not held to the cloth-standard of modesty that women are. But who set these rules in the first place? Did men invent the myth of Eve in order to point their fingers at her as the paragon of promiscuity? Or did women themselves decide that this power of theirs should be preserved and remain unadulterated and decided to cover themselves in certain ways? We know that history has cycles of liberal and conservative values and that the economy and events of the age also have a bearing on women's modesty and sexuality, effecting everything from domestic values to fashion. But certain dress codes have been endorsed by the ages within certain cultures, and one of the ones that will be discussed here is the hijab or "veil" of the Muslim community.

Not unlike the covering prescribed for Jewish and Christian women in those faiths, Islam has a prescription for hijab that is usually only spoken of in terms of the external covering of the woman but it is actually a code of modesty that applies to both women and men. The men are instructed to lower their gazes in front of women to reduce inappropriate, unsolicited glances and dress modestly while the women are instructed to do the same, although there is much more involved (and disputed) when concerning the woman's role in the code of hijab. Everything from how much she should cover to when, and in front of who, has been an issue of contention for centuries among scholars and there is no real definitive "hijab" that Muslim women can say is the official. As Islam spread across Arabia, North Africa, Europe, and the Indian subcontinent, every culture that embraced Islam saw a different form of hijab. Some of these cultures were more rigid in their interpretations while others were more loose, and the women of these cultures wore their hijabs according to custom. However, covered or not, women all across the world throughout the ages have been subject to the extremes; on both sides of the veil as it were. In Saudi Arabia for example, women are not allowed to drive even and emigrate without a mahram (a man who is religiously and legally unable to marry her or have such relations.) Rules that did not even apply during the Prophet Muhammad's times. Stories from parts of the Muslim world have left a sour taste in the mouths of the sane - horror stories of girls who had to suffer death under a burning school - not allowed to escape - simply because they were not veiled at the time, and women gang-raped and killed because they were looked at by a man of an outside tribe and accused of adultery without any proof. The Prophet (s) himself fought for the rights of these very women during his own times, of the oppressed and abandoned. His society had a similar problem where women had no rights; female babies were subject to infanticide, sons would inherit their mothers after their father's passing, and whore houses were just around the corner. Men would marry as many women as they wanted with no limit, and no one knows how prevalent adultery was. This was called the Arab's "Age of Jahiliyya" (Ignorance.) The Prophet came to restore modesty and respect for the woman, giving her previously unheard of rights, and honor her sexuality by placing limits and restrictions on how, when, and who can have relations with Muslim women. It was an unprecedented victory for womens' rights in those times, and Islam set such a high standard that even today, the majority of Muslim converts are women.

1,429 years later, though much has changed many things remain the same. Women are still objectified like the way they were in the days of the Prophet, both in the Muslim world and the West. But here in the West, women are believed to be liberated and equal to men, though all of this is just rhetoric with no real substance behind it except hypocrisy. A man and woman of equal education, credentials, and position do not earn the same salary and the woman is short-changed. Respect for women is spoken by word but betrayed through action. The commercial industry cannot sell a product without a woman's figure or suggestive theme related to her. Prostitution and pornography is no longer a legal matter for government regulation but rather a booming enterprise, (similar to human trafficking in other parts of the world,) adultery is rampant and there is no shortage of lewdness and misogyny referenced in popular culture. The media perpetuates the unrealistic image of the "sexy" woman as a sensual toothpick propped-up, make-up in place, with the occasional curves courtesy of photo-editing. In this society a woman is sexy if she shows skin - the more the better - and she is threatened with insults of being fat, a religious nun, or in the extreme even branded as a lesbian if she does not fit the mold. Is this womens' liberation or a facade for neo-male-chauvinism? They may not have to wear the veil, and can choose to dress as they please but at what expense? Dress for who's pleasure? The ideal society envisioned for women must be through their own eyes and not the twisted and perverted eyes of lecherous men. There needs to be a balance in order, we cannot have women in burqas with fish-nets over their eyes in the East and naked women on beaches and nude-colonies wearing nothing but sunglasses in the West. We cannot have women segregated from the activities which they have every right to enjoy simply due to "rules of modesty," which itself is a nonsensical attempt to indoctrinate humility. Neither can we have naked women plastered everywhere, inviting sexuality into areas of life where it should be left out. For in truth, in the case of both pardah (i.e - full cover) and g-strings, if anything, reinforce the idea in society that a woman's primary value is in her sexuality - which is simply wrong and untrue. What need is there for a female doctor to wear pardah while operating on a male patient who's primary concern is his mortality and not the potential sexiness of his savior? Does this not introduce sexuality where it is not relevant nor necessary? And what of the toothpaste product with the woman in her bra, brushing her teeth? Why would a man need to think of a woman in her bra before buying something he should need without her persuasion? Does this not introduce sexuality where it is not relevant nor necessary? In societies that exhibit this high degree of sexuality - both pardah and bikini alike - only serve to sexualize everything, in-turn frustrating the natural urges of men and making them even more aggressive. Such a pressure can only lead to unhealthy consequences for both genders. Hyper and hyposexual societies have a higher prevalence of paraphilias because of the irregulation of the female power of sexuality. It is due to the misuse, abuse, and lack of respect for her power as a sexual being that our societies suffer from the types of diseases, both physical and mental, that they are plagued by.

It is the major theme of this writing that women are the custodians and guardians of sexuality and therefore hold sway over matters of promiscuity and sexual degradation as well as sexual integrity and licit sexuality. This does not mean that they are solely responsible for the failed outcome of such regulation as that is outside of their control, and largely influenced by the fancy of perverted men. However, it does mean that the standards set, basic restrictions, and control over how much sex our society should be seeing/having is ultimately in her hands. Of course men also play a vital role in how sexuality plays out in society and should be held responsible as it is a two-way street, but that has more to do with the effects of sexuality and not the power of sexuality - in which mens' role is nothing more than auxiliary. If she chooses to be promiscuous, either by choice or tricked into believing this is the norm by horny men, then she will be setting the example and trend for other women to do the same and men will readily take the bait, pressuring other women to follow those womens' example and set the whole vicious cycle in motion. For women are at the top of the sexual heirarchy of power, if the top in command let everything loose then the rest will naturally follow suit and the way for a promiscuous society will be underway. Sexuality is a gate that is controlled by the standards that women set for themselves. If that standard is entrusted for the men to decide then it will quickly form a recipe for lewdness in society. Women need to take charge of what is naturally theirs and not let men tell them what is sexy and what is not, since it is the woman who naturally defines what is sexy and what is not. The ball has been taken out of her court, but as soon as she can bring it back the sooner society will see dramatic positive changes. A measure of a society's modesty stems from the sexuality of its constituents and we have already discussed how it is the woman's domain to protect sexuality, thereby affecting and essentially preserving modesty as well. This is precisely why modesty and sexuality need to be in the care of women and not a matter decided by men. If she decides she wants to cover herself in modesty within reasonable boundaries (i.e - hijab or other forms of modest dress;) this may well be the best prescription to remedy the ills of a shameless society. This is not to say that women who do not cover are promoting promiscuity or immodesty, rather, that by letting sex get out of their hands, it naturally fell in the hands of men, and society has seen the desires of men for too long, and we see the result. It is time that the woman takes her rightful place as "queen of sexuality" and reign from her throne as she deems fit. Nature has sided in her favor by granting her the charms she has and it is only natural for her to do so, it should not be something she should be penalized for but rewarded for if she tries in earnest to guard society from excessive sexuality as only she can control. And she should know that the caring, sincere, and loving men will support her in this endeavor so that we may all see a day where man and woman can be together without sex being an issue that tugs at them to act in ways that they otherwise would not act. These men will respect and acknowledge womens' right in this respect and the sooner they accept this truth, the sooner we as a society can start drying the tears and healing the hearts of billions of disaffected women who's only crime was that they were beautiful and suffered for it.

***DISCLAIMER*** I'm not against the practice of pardah itself, just as (being a man) I have nothing against women wearing bikinis. This article, if anything, seeks to respect women and their inherent power of sexuality and how if it is not respected by men and society, it will lead to problems for that society. What I am against is the unnecessary situations where pardah and bikinis introduce sexuality where its irrelevant. I feel I am justified in that view again, being a man and speaking from a man's perspective, that's what I see. There are just some circumstances where either of the two extremes of cloth (full or none) seem nonsensical. That being said, I have the utmost respect for women of all shades of modesty and as a man it is not my place to judge them for what they wear or choose not to.


[1] - www.dictionary.com

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Psalm of Life

The Psalm of Life

by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream ! —

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal;

Dust thou art, to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,

Is our destined end or way;

But to act, that each to-morrow

Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and time is fleeting,

And our hearts, though stout and brave,

Still, like muffled drums, are beating

Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world’s broad field of battle,

In the bivouac of life,

Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe’er pleasant!

Let the dead past bury its dead!

Act,— act in the living present!

Heart within, and God o’erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime,

And, departing, leave behind us

Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,

Sailing o’er life’s solemn main,

A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,

With a heart for any fate;

Still achieving, still pursuing,

Learn to labour and to wait.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Ran 'dem Rhymes vol.#1

By Ruhudeen Ali AKA "LOstRyDer"

Though they may look at you and scowl/
make you feel sour, feelin like you fouled/
my friend, don't throw in the towel/
the night angels prowl around for worshippers in the late hours/
if we can persevere than the victory is ours/
against the devil and his dominions who knocked down the towers/
"God is Great," we should proclaim it louder/
instead of the sound of dreaded bombs and gun powder/
news with Matt Lauer, skewed to retain power/
cuz media keeps the lid on for feds' elected cowards/
government cowers against the will of the people that is ours/
thinkin these stinkin politicians need to take a shower/
and any MCs who step to this I surely devour/

feelin righteous but alone/ still you're going strong/
others look to you as an example to continue struggling on/
but you're only human, devil's got you consumin/
poison for your soul producing venomous albumin/
hatred is spewing from the mouths of those that are lootin/
strangers be hootin trying to knock boots n' leave you/ they tried to deceive you/
nine months later people notice like when your mom conceived you/
that is, your illegitimate child/ thinkin they sweat your style/ runnin' buck wild/
but all the while you were actually beguiled/
women's rights cases being filed/ while pimps are being hired/
the good getting fired, on the streets getting wired/
feeling really tired/ from all that's transpired but for love
its enough to get you out the mire, even with a flat tire/

faith is still fledgling, the fear of God keeps you trembling/
sins got you stumbling but the devil you keep rumbling/
fumbling in the dark/ you're on the right path cuz you got a good heart/
so many been lost from the start/ Lostryder makes this an art/
in a commercial industry that is otherwise known as a farce/
by which I mean rapping/ my shoulders they keep on tapping/
for me to bail 'em out from the industry's trappings/
but I'm not Uncle Sam, I don't save with checks/
my own life's in a jam and the future's paved in debt/
avoiding to frown and fret trying to keep my head set/
not the one that comes with your mobile phone/
in life you gotta roam til you find a niche of your own/
a place where you can reign from a throne/
then when you're Capone don't forgot those below/
deliver on your promise to throw a dog a bone/
knowledge is being thrown and no skills are being honed/
cash is being blown to pacify children turning into drones/
seeking to be known/ let them laugh
but my epitaph describes a legacy on my tombstone/
searching for my home but all its elements are gone/
these are just some crazy words in my head/
want you all to hear 'em before I fall 'n drop dead/
death is something that I no longer dread/
would rather leave something of value in this world than a corpse in its stead.

"Islamic" Terrorism?

Since the late 20th Century, our world has been thrown into an age of terrorism. Attacks across the world have spawned, and what first started out as isolated attacks against U.S sites in the Muslim world has now become an organized guerilla war world-wide against any citizen population whose government is "swayed" by the interest of the West. These terrorists target indiscriminately; killing women, children, and the elderly at places like embassies, hotels, market places, mosques, and even funerals. They have no respect for sacred days as they kill on any holiday, even those they claim to follow themselves. Despite the world's condemnation of these on-going attacks and the philosophy of terrorism as a whole, there apparently is mass confusion as to the Muslim stance on terrorism here in the West. Do Muslims secretly condone terrorism or are they absolute in abhorring it? To answer this question once and for all, there needs to be a discussion of Western foreign policy, religion & politics, as well as conspiracy theory among other things.

Some people have taken the name "Islamic terrorism" to describe the terrorism of today yet this so-called "Islamic terrorism" never existed prior to the late 20th century. The reason for the rise in Muslim extremism and Muslim terrorists - at least at the outset - is most probably due, in some form or another, to the Israeli/Palestinian issue that began in that same era - 1947 to be precise. After the UN agreed to form a Jewish home within the Arab homeland, there have been several wars between the Jews of Israel and the Arabs in the Middle East, resulting in the defeat of the Arabs. The sanctioning of this mass "endodus" if you will, angered the Arab population as they felt it was a violation of their homeland; though Jews have every right to live in the land, the way it was conducted was far less than optimal. Many Palestinians became refugees with no where to go, ultimately many ended up settling in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip while the other refugees went into neighboring Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan. In 2008, the condition of the Palestinian people is appalling and nothing short of a humanitarian crisis.

This anger may well have been the spark that ignited this terrorist phenomenon to what it is today, though many things have changed since those days. Passing over the details of the Arabs' grievances, in short, the unyielding support of the Western powers in favor of Israel - no matter the situation - has been a constant source of angst against both Israel and the West in the eyes of the Muslim world. Combine that with the U.S-led "War on Terror" and the foreign policy of the Bush administration to pre-emptively strike any nation that is deemed as a threat to national security, and you have a powder keg awaiting to explode. This is simply an overview, for a detailed analysis of the Middle East conflict one needs to read the works by scholars of the field as there is too much to be stated on this topic.

From the fall of the last Caliphate, to the injustice of Israel, and the continued occupation and wars within the Muslim lands, all of this pent up rage coalesced into a new face; a new enemy that the world would fear after the fall of the Soviet Union. This shadowy face is known simply as "Al Qaida." The mastermind behind the group is Osama Bin Laden, once considered a hero by the U.S amongst the freedom-fighters (mujahideen) of Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan war of the 1980's. What made Bin Laden change was what he felt was the U.S abandonment after the Soviet-Afghan war, the rejection of Saudi Arabia to let his mujahideen defend Kuwait against a bullying Saddam Hussein and its preference for U.S assistance instead. The final straw for Osama - *according to one of his published statements - was that U.S troops should not be stationed in the Muslim holy-land. Since Saudi Arabia did not respect this wish, Bin Laden turned on Saudi and any country that supported the West.

Al Qaida spawned the formation of countless smaller terror groups or "networks" world-wide to supress the U.S dominance that was spreading across the Muslim world. It has been said that this ideology is based on religious doctrine but a cursory look at Islam's teachings and the history of the Muslim world will clearly dispel any doubt. The Qur'an is very clear on the topic of suicide and how there is no justification for it whatsoever. " And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is most-merciful to you." [4:29] Sahih (authentic) hadith elaborate this even clearer when the Prophet Muhammad says, "Indeed, whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the Fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever." [Bukhari (5778) and Muslim (109 and 110)]. Therefore, it is completely unlawful for a Muslim to take his/her own life - no matter the circumstance. Islam is similarly strict about the punishment of murder. What then becomes of the one who both takes his own life and the lives of other innocents along with him? The answer should be obvious, but for many a terrorist unfortunately, it is not.

The mistaken view that their fight against the West is a jihad has been the religious fallacy of this dimension of the disease that is the terrorist ideology. No Paradise nor hur awaits them but the fires of hell and that should be clear. The word "jihad" literally means "struggle" but can be applied in the sense of a war as well. However, it should be clear that the Islamic position only justifies a defensive war and a just war, most clearly outlined in this single verse:

"And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?- Men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help!" [4:75]

So we see that the true spirit of an Islamic armed resistance is only a defensive one where the livelihood of the people has gone and oppression has taken over, and the Qur'an in other places notes that "persecution and oppression are worse than slaughter" [2:191, 217] Once a man asked the Prophet, "What is the better jihad?" And he replied by saying, "A word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler." (Sunan Al-Nasa'i #4209) The Prophet strongly condemned the killing of innocents and laid down strict laws for the tenets of an armed jihad, among them namely: (1) no killing of innocent civilians/non-combatants, only "those who strike you" the Qur'an says, (2) no killing of women and children, (3) no killing of the elderly, (4) no killing of the clergy, priests, rabbis or other religious authorities, (5) no wanton destruction of any kind nor demolition of the holy places of worship (temples, churches, mosques, etc.) (6) no cutting down of trees or burning of the harvest of the farmers [unless it be a strategem of war in which the enemy uses these very same tactics], (7) no mutilation of the enemy deceased (as was being done by the Pagans to the Muslim deceased) and (8) enemy captives must be treated fairly or ransomed (set-free) for a reasonable exchange. All these tenets were exemplified in the life of the Prophet, so much so that when he returned to Mecca, his birth-city that oppressed and drove him out, as a conqueror he forgave everyone and did not fight them while in the superior.

All of this goes to show that the Prophet's understanding of jihad and the terrorists' understanding of jihad are like night and day - there is no common ground whatsoever. The sacred tenets of jihad are all violated and no rules are honored. They massacre whatever they choose and where ever they deem fit. Indiscriminate killing of people of all kind and among the holiest of places. This is the very antithesis of the jihad the Prophet spoke of. If they claim to be Muslims, they should at the very least, know this much. Historically the Muslim mujahideen were very honorable and held their code strictly in practice, influencing the knights of medieval Europe and the chivalry that came along with it. But the terrorists have no honor nor shame and clearly no chivalry. Their war is not a just nor a defensive war. Rather, the more these fake Muslim terrorists appear to make themselves out to be Muslims, is how much further away from Islam they have truly gone!

Say, for example, the terrorists win the war and achieve their goal of having an Islamic state. What nation in their right-mind would ever support their government when they have made enemies of the entire world? It is impossible for them to live as an isolated nation from the rest of the world. Secondly, what type of shariah law are they applying? Certainly not the authentic kind where there is no coercion in matters of faith:

"Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things." [2:256]

Thirdly, they say they fight for the oppressed Muslims but how would they apologize to the families of the countless Muslims who have died at the hands of these terrorists (let alone the non-Muslim dead as well?) All terrorist attacks, with the exception of the major attacks in the West, are all occurring in the Muslim world, killing Muslims mostly. Who then are they fighting for? How convenient is it for an outside party to chase after a boogey man who doesn't seem to exist anymore? Doesn't that give them a free pass to invade whichever country they want and take its natural resources? The whole scenario is a little too convenient for an anti-Muslim group....There are just too many inconsistencies and yet we have to accept the "official" report until future history can show the truth.

If these demons were truly fighting for Islam then they either don't have a brain or they have NO idea what Islam teaches yet still insist on beating people into accepting it. A better way to spread the faith would be to randomly throw presents and gifts on the streets or large markets, places of worship, etc. while proclaiming "Allahu Akbar" instead of planting bombs and spreading death and misery, creating hatred and division. Any logical assessment of the situation would make that very clear. Yet they still do all the things that Islam prohibits in the most abhorrent of ways, all the while killing more Muslims than their so-called "enemies" and giving real Muslims a bad name. No, I'd say that the terrorists are the Muslim's worst enemy and one that we should fight on our own, with little outside help. There was a time in our history where another extremist faction, the "khawarij" was fought by the Muslims themselves until they disbanded or changed their ways. These terrorist groups are nothing more than modern day khawarij and it is up to the Muslims to defeat them, through education and if necessary, confrontation.

So to those non-Muslims who think Muslims do not speak out enough against terrorism, here I am, doing my part. I hope that you can now see that terrorism is more so a problem for Muslims than it is for you. The terrorists are our enemy in every single way and its got very little to do with religion itself and more so with politics. Once these people have improved economic conditions and political leverage through legitimate means (i.e - a mainstream voice for their grievances) than it is hoped they will no longer resort to those desperate and insane tactics. My prayers go out to the oppressed Muslims who are fighting legitimately oppressive regimes across the world, we do not judge you, only those who kill indiscriminately, illegitimately, with no apparent goal but to cause instability, fear, and confusion - may they perish! And now for some conspiracy fun!

**NOTE** All references to Bin Laden or Al Qaida can be researched online easily via Wikipedia, Google, and online documentaries on the subject. None of this information is hard to obtain.