Wednesday, June 29, 2016


By Ruhudeen Ali
June 29th, 2016

Everywhere I look, everywhere I turn
I see our cities burn and my stomach churns
When I see our brothers and sisters die
Suffering oppression, we suffer depression
Hoping for the day we make a positive impression
But that's falling on deaf ears my brethren
Cuz blind eyes turn a blind eye when I cry
But when I die it's only seen by my kind
And our shared struggle
is only shared within our bubble
Trying to juggle our identities, 
figure who's a foe or friend of me 
It's tough, who do we trust?
I'm getting snears on the train and bus
Told to 'go back to my country'
Or face the marines in humvees
pointing RPGs at my family overseas
Or better yet rednecks with tecs in Tennessee 

Cuz back home we're getting blown 
And shown who to fear, explosions on the TV
I swear to God none of these people are remotely like me
Or anyone I've ever known
I only know the kindest souls 
But what they show is the devil's hoe
So hateful that they kill- two, three, four birds with one stone
It's calculated in the code, they wanna see us grow cold
and take up one of our own to perpetuate the ode
That "Muslims are evil" and repeat the cycle
But I'm telling you we can't give in
The devil's trying to win 
violent people's patience is thin
and I'm afraid the tears are just beginning
Dear God we're lost from sinning 
Have Mercy Lord cuz I'm thinking
It's hopeless but I believe in your greatness
Watching your plan unfold is dopeness 
But it's still with tears that I wrote this
So please fix our broken wishes.