Friday, February 27, 2009

Viva Palestina!

We've seen the Palestinians suffer from just about everything. And the sad reality is that we don't know the severity of the situation on the ground because it is such a difficult task to try to do any sort of humanitarian relief work there. With Israel's Gaza offensive that began the year of 2009, we've seen yet another chapter in Palestine's Holocaust. 1,000+ dead, including 400+ women and children, 5,000+ injured and the numbers are still rising as the bodies continue to be discovered under what is now almost two month-old rubble.

It is simply incomprehensible to understand the sheer depth of deprivation and sorrow the people of Palestine have suffered all this time and still the world has shown itself to be ineffective yet again with its puppet peace organizations in reaching a lasting peace for both sides of the dispute as well as any semblance of respect for Palestinian sovereignty. Rarely do we see change at the grass-roots level from the bottom-up, since most of us wait for our world leaders to respond to catastrophes such as the likes of Operation "Cast Lead."

However, George Galloway (British MP) along with Yvonne Ridley (British Journalist turned Activist) and a host of supporters from across England have rallied together for a cause truly momentous and endearing. "Viva Palestina" was formed as the vision for this shared dream by millions, and thousands of supporters showed up in England on February 14th, already a "day of love" to show their unflinching love for the down-trodden and oppressed people of Palestine. They were able to raise a whopping 1 million+ pounds of money and are still accepting donations. So what did they do with the donations? They formed a convoy - the Gaza Convoy - of over 100+ vehicles, trucks, school buses, ambulances, and other vehicles; each filled with tons of precious relief aid ranging from medicines to food, clothing, and even gifts. It was decided that they would drive to Gaza - a journey of nearly 5,000 miles! - and hand deliver this convoy of love. So with the people's love and prayers, they departed from England on February 14th, and as of the 27th they have driven just over HALF their journey! Truly an astounding odyssey and undertaking! Here is a map of their route:

The Convoy, I'm sure, deliberately chose this route so as to drive through Egypt - essentially to embarrass Hosni Mubarak, and gather the people's support to bring shame to his government for its sub-par response to the crisis in Gaza, being its most influential neighbor and possible ally. The Convoy, however, would likely deny this as they seek not to be politically-motivated (see George Galloway's speech below.) In any case, as they continue to drive through each city, the local people truly have come to show their love and support for the historic caravan. Hordes of supporters stand on the sides and write messages and prayers of love for the people of Gaza, donate free gifts and help the ambassadors of mercy along their way to Gaza. The governments of these countries have also shown their support and compassion in providing free lodging, fuel, and police escort across cities. In one incident, there was even an historic show of solidarity when the Algerian and Moroccan governments opened their borders to each other after not having done so for 15 years! This only to show their love and support for this unprecedented show of compassion and mercy for the people of Palestine. Everywhere they go, they are showered with love, hospitality, and support by the people. Yet sadly, due to the media vacuum, very few people are even aware of this here in America.

This historic caravan, which will be written about in the history books of tomorrow, was organized and funded mostly by middle-class Britons. We Americans ought to be ashamed of ourselves that we cannot even donate a few dollars for such a pressing and worthy cause, yet these volunteers - Muslims and non-Muslims; humanitarians of every walk of life and social class - are HAND-DELIVERING these goods over a journey that would exhaust Hercules himself! No doubt they are feeling the exhaustion and fatigue, yet each day they are motivated even more by this, and by the plight of the people of Gaza and yet, their pain is still nothing compared to the suffering of the Palestinians. So where do we stand as Americans? We have no excuse. Will President Obama do something historic for Palestine? Will the everyday Americans do something for Gaza the likes of their British counterparts? It is left to the future to decide. But one thing certainly is clear, there are still angels on Earth and they need your prayers and support as they continue their journey toward Gaza. Please check out the video and links below for more up-to-date information, including day-by-day progress, pictures, and videos on the Convoy's journey and donate to show your support! And may Allah bless all those who sacrificed their time, wealth, and energy for this noble cause, may it reach the people of Palestine as it was intended, with a parade of angels to greet them, and may the caravan reach Palestine safely and unharmed, ameen! Viva Palestina!!!

Upon reaching Algeria...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ran'dem Rhymes vol.#6 - "Spiritual Spit"

By Ruhudeen Ali

Got Paradise on my wishlist
but I'm restless cuz I got a deathwish
and I'm deficient in my faith's practice
cuz I'm missing items on the *deen's checklist
life got me shook, its hard to live by the Book
when life throws you a hard left hook to the chin
yea I still sin but I'm trying to stay on the Right Path
and make amends cuz if I do the math,
I should be feelin God's wrath
but alhamdulillah instead I'm enjoying this bubble bath
and I'm chill soakin up some lyrics that are ill
and I drilled it into my heart
that God is not apart from the world He done start
Lord, in the script of life give me a righteous part
I need to get on my sajadat salah
so I can say thank you Allah!

So here's a recap starting from the first Act
Adam and Huwwa began the story in the Garden
only so that Allah could show He likes to pardon
Nuh, Ibrahim & Lut each had a dream
that all their descendants would remain pure and clean
So with God Ishaaq and Ishma'eel made a deal
that their children would be holy and wouldn't steal
Dawood, Zakariya & Sulayman and the prophets of ahl al Yakub
were sent to warn and guide the Yahud
Yunus & Yusuf were trapped in strange prisons
so that they'd show their gratitude and receive a better vision
Ayyub was patient when tested with affliction
so that he can utter God's holy benediction
Idriss, Hud, Shu'ayb & Saleh didn't ask for any pay
all they asked was for their people to pray
Ilyas, Yahya & Ilyasa were all among the righteous
and confronted the daunting odds despite this
Harun and his brother lead the Jews away from the army of Fir'aun
their end was in the Red Sea where they, save the righteous, all drowned
Luqman taught his son wisdom and Musa learned it from Khidr
both of them tried to get us to see the bigger picture
Isa performed miracles and spoke to man as a babe
but unfortunately his people committed a sin that was grave
and finally, Muhammad was sent as the last of the prophets
only to remind us all that the next life contains all the profit
and I say to all the righteous prophets, 'alayhum as-salatu was-salaam
and that's how it goes down mon.

So this is the script of a reminder to us all
that the Scripture's got a cure for our gall
so don't give up, throw in the towel and fall
God wants us to be strong and stand tall
we must break through adversity's wall
repentance is a moment away,
but so too is death so don't stall
just a reminder that you can't buy peace at the mall
and with that said I wish peace upon you all!

*deen = religion

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ran'dem Rhymes vol.#5 - "Faces of the Ummah"

By Ruhudeen Ali

A lost brotha with a 40 in hand at the club
thinkin he the man lookin for a shorty to rub
music bumpin, the heat risin to the beat of the drum
but he doesn't care cuz everyone's numb
rule of thumb - don't judge anyone
a girl passed him n assumed he was dumb
but he came here for free mixin with fly vixens
had thoughts of sinning bein with her he was wishin
she noticed and came up,
told him that she used to be a nun
"now im just enjoying myself cuz life should be fun"
now she chills with a bad crowd from the cops they would run
the two of them danced and together they hummed
the lyrics to the song though it felt kinda wrong
he didn't care about anything except her stare
his homies wanted him to touch her that was the dare
but instead he just wanted to make her the other half of his pair
he got lost in her eyes and touched her hair
then came her man outta nowhere
and their views he didn't share
the brotha was drunk so he called him a punk
there was a confrontation that lead to an altercation
her man was not a stranger to incarceration
so her boyfriend beat the brotha down n took out his gun
shot the brotha dead and that's the end of story number one.

Number two is about a brother too
he had a big beard and would preach for years
considered the most pious among his peers
rockin the thawb with the scholarly robes
but nobody really knows about the life he never showed
but still some thought he was weird cuz he would be on his high horse
being harsh, judgding people on their course, hiding his secret life with lil whores
passing fatwas comin home checkin websites that'd make you go "WHAT THE ---
F is wrong with you!?" talkin about fiqh? you need to get smacked dude
type of hypocrite that'd make you sick
but it happens in the ummah, a face you might've seen at jumuah
paying lipservice to the sunnah will get you trouble sooner
deen is missing the full piece like a crescent lunar
but maybe there's still hope for you brother
keep the deen but change the haram to another
don't be a shame to your mother nor anger the One above ya
I pray for you cuz I still love ya
just focus on yourself and stay in school
don't let shaytan make you a fool
that's enough to make em cool now that's enough for number two.

Story number three is kinda silly actually
about this sister who used to be hijabi
but seeing her sister get married in her mind made her think
she can't do the same unless she winks
at some of these boys, cuz being all coy won't get her the real mccoy so
on to the battle of troy within she went
tucked in the tummy n got real slim
made changes overnight took classes on seduction
thinkin in due time that boy she'll win
but the boy she was chasing was after another girl even more thin
her chances were lookin pretty grim cuz she still had that double chin
then one day she looked up at herself in the mirror
n realized she doesn't need to change herself for someone inferior
reminiscing back to the simple days when she would get her flab on
as she wiped off the last trace of the liz claiborne
sister felt this wasn't her so she backtracked, smacked back the hijab on
and with God she went and got her collab on.

Number four is about a woman who likes to explore
she used to cuss at the Muslims and anything related she deplored
Then one day she came across a pamphlet on the floor
it said "come to the mosque and don't leave your questions at the door"
so she shows up with anger on her face
everything the media taught her she would throw at em just in case
n spoke on everything which made her heart fume
the imam told her that by the flames of hatred she'd been consumed
so she calmed down n relaxed just enough to ask
"what is your people's task?"
The imam replied "to remove from humanity all the masks"
right then n there she began to cry cuz she was starting to understand why
she had never had peace cuz she was stuck living a lie
so the Imam wiped her tears and said "All we're asked to do is try"
so she went home n read the Quran
within the next few weeks she accepted Islam
now she writes psalms about living your life right from wrong.

The last story is about a man who was selfless
worked very hard and would treat his wife like an empress
his kids grew to be contemptuous
of a society they thought senseless
started speaking on behalf of the defenseless
the father thought they were senseless
but started changing his mind when he heard his own people's consensus
wars and occupations "let's end this!"
emails, forwards about injustice - better send this
giving speeches at conventions, now he meant this
toured the cities from New York to Memphis
his face plastered on the press, started to impress
the Congress but with a crooked emphasis
they feared the power he possessed
obsessed they became to find ways to suppress
the growing union he coalesced and tried to end
the message he pressed conveyed in his chest
so they tried to frame him by claiming he owned a bomb-laiden vest
and the media turned the whole thing into a mess
his family and wife became depressed
while his innocence they stressed
knowing that they lied but he digressed
he ended up in G-Bay and you know the rest
still saw himself blessed n considered it all a test
all the while being fed pig intestines to ingest.

These are just some stories that might sound familiar
each of them is fiction but they're all sorta similar
used to illustrate the five faces of the ummah
the sinners, hypocrites, believers, converts, and the righteous
all types of people from Alaska to Cyprus
represent the five pillars in different lights
some were wrong some were right
but the earth doesn't spin without a day and a night
people are the same n you gotta have both sides right?
and having said that I'm out - goodnight!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monetary Reform

Those of you who know me know that I've discussed this topic many times before, sometimes at the risk of sounding insane, silly, or mistaken. But lack of discussion on the subject to any rational person would seem to be a sign of madness, as it seems to me. Madness however is the world that we live in, and therefore, rational thought is either rightfully labeled as genius or mistakenly as insanity. The fact of the matter is that a discussion of money and monetary reform is of critical importance, worthy of every check and balance to ensure a just system is in place at every interval and era of human existence so long as the welfare of society is concerned. That is the purpose of such a discussion for it is through money and its representative systems, (call them "economies") that man's greater systems of ethics, values, and morals are reflected on the societal level. We as humans will always endorse our beliefs; being that they are sacred to us, they reflect what is of real and ultimate value to us. We therefore endorse these values and beliefs with other valuables and commodities. Just as money was once backed up by gold, we defend our ideas and beliefs with the seduction of commodities that backed them up. Illustrated simply through such things as donating to a cause, a purchase. Trading our sacred ideologies with the resources in our possession in order to spread our views. But every trade is an endorsement and every endorsement itself is a viewpoint. One can argue that the ultimate motive behind trade itself is the exchange of ideas. Power for power, value for value - its the Golden Rule.

Indeed, the question of value is an age-old one and one that will always be asked and answered, re-invented and re-interpreted to suit the times. But if we ask ourselves, what is of real value to us? What will be our answer? Are the ethics we wish to ingrain in our fellow man more important to us or the profits which we gain from "trade?" Do we spread those beliefs of ethics for our own safety or for our own personal good? Is it self-motivated, other-motivated or both? Do we teach these values to ourselves and our children to establish justice and a fair objective system to govern ourselves by or just for fancy? In short, what is the ultimate motive of trade? Are we exchanging ideas or resources? Can it be both? Which is the more prominent? When examining this question further we see the answer becoming more obscure, leading us to perhaps an even more profound question: what is profit? Surely the profit wagered in Matthew 16:26 is not of a material kind nor is the profit analyzed in Forbes magazine of the nature as the former, and yet somehow the two "profits" are connected in some way. With each purchase and trade we make, what profit did we gain? What profit do we give to our fellow man and woman? Is our profit really in gaining or is it in losing? The answers to these questions will vary profoundly based on where one's point of view lies on the spectrum of materialism and spirituality.

Money is the central issue of human function at the macro-level. In other words, society itself (and by extension our world) is run by money which acts as the energy in our world to make things run just as the function of ATP and the Krebs Cycle explain how the cells in our body function and work. Money is the blood that flows through the veins of society, without it society would die. The modern concept of money was originally created to facilitate trade of commodities but the question needs to be asked, what ultimate good has money really served us except crime, slavery (in the form of debt,) and war? Is it worth its own mess? And yet rarely, is the investigation of money taken seriously beyond the recognition of its surface value that it feeds us, clothes us, shelters us, buys comforts and luxuries for us, etc. For this factor alone we are ready and willing to kill our fellow man, war with him, rob him of what was once in his possession, rape our women of their honor and flesh, abandon our parents in pursuit of it, and train our children to follow this path, all for a green sheet of acknowledgment reassuring us that we made some "profit" by our actions. Worse yet, is that this worshipped god was created by our own hands. If ever was there a living cellular tissue within money and drugs, they would claim their rightful place as the rulers of this planet - the dominant species - but being unable to speak on their own, man has time-and-again proven their dominance over him and shown the supremacy of the forces that control him by putting these two on a pedestal at the cost of his own enslavement to them. As fearsome as these two forces may be their commonality is one - they both alter reality and pervert the natural course and they accomplish this by subjugating man to their will. Indeed, they have no will of their own, they are but a green light for man to explore the innermost dark recesses of his ego and the ugly pleasures of his greed, lust, and gluttony. Money and drugs have given the green light, and the traffic of humanity is traveling on the highway to Hell. That is, unless we take a detour.

The video below has shown the clarity of our enslavement to the design of our own hands - money. It explains quite thoroughly how we are all in debt and that this system is self-perpetuating debt, slavery, and misery for everyone except a privileged few. Anyone who questions this as conspiracy needs to ask the simple question: is there more money in the world, or more debt? The current formula of interest-money sees to it that there is more debt than money. And if there is more debt than money, then which part of humanity possesses the money and which part possesses the debt? And you get the answer I gave earlier - the rich and powerful few on the one hand, and the poor, and weak masses on the other. After a few cracks of the whip, the slave no longer feels the sting, the pain, nor hears the barking of the master nor his own panting....

I've also included a few links for more information.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ustadh Sayyid Muhammad Naquib al-Attas on Adab (Manners,) Hikma (Wisdom,) & 'Adl (Justice)

During my schooling years, I've heard great things about al-Attas though I haven't yet read his writings. After watching this interview I would say that I agree with his assessment more or less, and I see he has a very Confucian ethic with regard to this matter. Confucius also spoke of "jen" the greatest of all social virtue and really the culmination of all virtues. Confucius also believed that justice and propriety had to due with seeing things in their proper places and that such is established through manners. Even Socrates questioned whether justice was as simple as "giving each thing its proper due" and believed in the value of manners and ethics. I think humanity, at least speaking on behalf of most of the industrialized world, has lost the greater part of its manners in giving each thing its proper respect and place in the grand scheme of things. Wisdom is the proper and practical application of knowledge which itself is only theoretical. Justice is to see the mizan (the Qur'anic scale of things) and give it its proper due. That can only be done by seeing each thing in the universe as a special creation (which it is) and give it its proper due respect with good manners.

And the Firmament has He raised high, and He has set up the Balance (of Justice), In order that ye may not transgress (due) balance. So establish weight with justice and fall not short in the balance. [55:7-9]

Give full measure when ye measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight: that is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the final determination. [17:35]

Give full measure, and be not of those who give less (than the due). And weigh with the true balance. [26:181-2]

Allah it is Who hath revealed the Scripture with truth, and the Balance. How canst thou know? It may be that the Hour is nigh. [42:17]

We verily sent Our messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance, that mankind may observe right measure [57:25]

To bring peace and harmony into our societies we have to first rectify ourselves, then our families, then our communities and our communities will rectify the government. This is also the teaching of the prophets. A bottom-up approach.

Here is a great passage from The Great Learning of the Confucian classics:

The Way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue,renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good.

The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the world, first ordered well their own States.
Wishing to order well their States, they first regulated their families.
Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons.
Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts.
Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts.
Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost of their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.

Things being investigated, knowledge became complete. Their knowledge being complete, their thoughts were sincere. Their thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then rectified. Their hearts being rectified, their persons were cultivated. Their persons being cultivated, their families were regulated. Their families being regulated, their States were rightly governed. Their States being rightly governed, the entire world was at peace.

From the Son of Heaven (i.e- the Emperor) down to the mass of the people, all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything besides.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Beautiful Story

This is the story in the Bible [Luke: 7] of the woman who lived a sinful life and came to repent before God's Messenger (Jesus Christ, peace be upon him) and how despite her many sins, she was forgiven because of her love and faith. It teaches us not to be judgmental and the power of faith to transform sinners into saints. This video is made by Youtuber "TogetherForPeace" and his channel is a great channel for Christians and non-Christians that promotes peace, understanding, and mutual respect for the faithful.

I like this video because it shows the message of the Abrahamic faiths in sum; that we should look past the ugly in others and in ourselves and realize that God's perfection is in dealing with imperfect beings and forgiving us and the love that He has in forgiving us. There is a hadith of a similar account where a prostitute was forgiven by a simple act of kindness to an animal:

Sahih al-Bukhari: Vol.4, Book 54, #538:

Narrated by Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "A prostitute was forgiven by Allah, because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, Allah forgave her because of that."

As believers in God, whatever faith we choose to follow, we should look past the surface of a person and try to empathize with them. It is said in another hadith that "the believer is not stung twice by the same calamity." When we sin we wrong our own souls, so when a sinner realizes this self-torment and wishes to change, he/she should not be reprimanded twice by being judged for such a sin and have to deal with the natural burdens that sin carries as well. Rather, he/she should be comforted and helped as we would seek the same. On the Day of Judgment there is only one on the judgment seat and that is God. This is not the day nor the life of judgment but the life of repentance. We are earning mistakes but we are also earning forgiveness, and God's infinite mercy will see to it that we will be forgiven one day God-willing.

Those who believe (in the Qur'an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians,- any who believe in Allah and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord; on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.

[Qur'an 2:62, 5:69]

Friday, February 6, 2009

Los Illuminados (The Illuminated)

So after getting my hands on Resident Evil 4 again I remembered why I loved this game when it was first released a few years back. Aside from the usual Resident Evil (Biohazard) checklist of macabre elements and eerie locations, the game offers a plot twist not found in previous titles. Instead of fighting hordes of T/G-virus infected zombies we find ourselves fighting hordes of mind-controlled, parasite-infected villagers and monks this time around. The culprit behind this dubious scheme is the "Los Illuminados" (The Illuminated) - a crazed religious cult that seeks to control the world through use of the plagas' (the mind-controlling parasite) ability to control its host's behavior and spread itself. The leader of the organization is Osmund Saddler, a wacko with plans to hold sway over the United States by having his organization kidnap the president's daughter and inject her with the plagas so that those in the top of government will be infected first; infecting everyone else down through the chain and ultimately using America's influence to spread the plagas across the world.

A bit far-fetched? Maybe. But what makes the game's storyline all the more fascinating is its satire of religious cults, particularly subtle in reference to Al-Qaeda and other extremist groups. One only needs to look at the striking resemblance the ganados' village chief has with Osama bin Laden to see this. When I first played through I saw the connection right away and thought the clever mask was amusing. But now, after watching all the news about the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and other extremists, I'm really starting to see the satanic connection between these groups and Los Illuminados. In recent months we've witnessed acts of strange character in the "Red Mosque" incident of Lahore in 2007, The Mumbai terrorist attacks of 2008, and the overall environment being created by extremist elements in the region. Whether or not we are being lied to by the media agencies for political reasons is anyone's guess, but based on what we know, the entire region is undergoing radicalization. The mountainous regions of Pakistan, once a very peaceful and serene location is now under-run by local Taliban migrating from the mountains of Afghanistan into the tribal areas of North-West Pakistan. Villagers fearing the Taliban's rule have fled to neighboring towns where they can keep their families safe and send their children to school. The extremists are slowly moving in (a "resident evil" if you will) and destroying schools, keeping women at home and young girls from attending classes. They are forced to veil, men are to grow beards and attend madrasa where fanaticism and hatred for the West is taught. Men and women who oppose their foreign rule are either put to death (capital punishment style) or beaten/flogged, made to walk on burning coals or injured in some other way. Already we have seen local foreigners being kidnapped, beaten and/or killed just for living there and providing the services they offer. This they call "sharia" rule, but in reality is the farthest thing from anything Islamic. Indeed, their war with the West is really a war with the world itself, and the changing of times.

Thinking themselves "illuminated" these extremist illuminados seek to change the landscape of the Muslim lands by taking over a Muslim nuclear nation (Pakistan) and consequently the rest of the world by way of its influence. Sounds familiar in that far-fetched sort of way doesn't it? And if we are being told the truth, then this threat is something that needs to be stopped from within not from without, seeing as how the way things have been going with the West's War on Terror only gives the extremists more credibility in the eyes of sympathizers in the form of a foreign enemy (i.e- the West,) and hence, more recruits. The best solution is to have the West withdraw itself from all internal Muslim-conflicts and let the Muslim nations come together to fight this plague in their midst themselves. This way the extremists cannot claim their governments' hand in supporting a foreign power that is exploiting them. It will also prevent the West to needlessly interfere with the sovereignty of other nations, making the entire world a safer place. But instead we see the war has only spread more terrorism and rather than ending it, has only created further instability. Mindless masses with no means for a real education become disenfranchized easily and can readily be convinced to fight their own mothers if so persuaded, how much easier is it then to convince them to fight a foreign power that they are taught to believe is the primary reason for their suffering? [Insert ganados' yell] Ironically though, it almost seems at times that the extremists' war with the West is almost forgotten as most death and destruction that they bring is now almost entirely directed upon their own people and governments. Their creed has been one of civil war rather than a war against another country.

So like Los Illuminados, the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, and the diaspora extremist factions should realize that their goals are only creating more resentment and enemies rather than allies that they could use for help. Whatever their goals may be, there should be a method to the madness, but by showing the world the acts of terrorism they commit against average, defenseless people only shows us that madness itself is their method. Even by kidnapping the President's daughter they would not meet their goals. And even if they were to do so we've got Leon S. Kennedy to bring her back and kick their ass while he's at it!