Monday, December 27, 2010

Artistry's Disparity

Artistry's Disparity
By Ruhudeen Ali
December 26th, 2010

My work magnifies me
His work obscures Him

Yet my work reveals flaws that trace back to me
While His work displays the perfection of divinity

Marveling at my artwork, some will praise me
Marveling at His artwork, the fools only praise the artistry

What my hands craft reminds them of me
What His Hands craft they will fancy as deities!

The fault is not in the admirer nor lies in the maker
for the artistry's disparity is that much greater!

So petty am I that my hand must aggrandize me
So great is He that His Hand screens His majesty

What pleasure is there in magnifying the scanty?
What splendor therein by veiling the magnificent!

His work is not mine, but my work is His
Whatever the artist renders - His signature lies in this

My fame is nothing, be it before the cameras
His fame is far-reaching even behind the curtain

He is the true Artist that taught us all the trade
In truth, the work and fame is His all the same

His Name be praised!  الله سبحانه وتعالى‎

Friday, December 10, 2010

In Memory's Wait

"In Memory's Wait"
 By Ruhudeen Ali
Nov. 21st, 2010

In this lonely hour I sit here with nothing to do
my five senses wait on standby for an hour or two

My sighing breath's shadow dances to entertain me
but the shadow gives up and expires, while I sit impatiently

Awaiting some happening that reminds me I'm alive
I sit motionless unable to cry or to even try

I get wind of the noises in the night with lazy ears
but shut out the love ballads by the creatures that I hear

I glance at the ground and see bugs scurry along in cheer 
  rather ignoring their warm, welcoming families awaiting near

I look up to the stars and watch them twinkle and glisten
but I know they've all plotted to smite me at a distance

These tears welling-up scream of someone they miss
this separation was emphatically against my wish

  In this lonely night, all I can do is sit and remember you  
powerless to have changed fate to some other in lieu

When I go to your room and see your belongings
my longing to see you only continues prolonging

And when I come to visit your final resting place
I feel the void in knowing nothing can replace your embrace

Everywhere I go, something of you dwells
I remember our moments together and the tears begin to swell

 The words you spoke, your gentle nature,
how special you were - what good to realize it all later!

But like a beautiful flower you did blossom, you did bloom
whichever hour you had to depart, it would have been too soon

Now I've entered a new world, alone in this gloom
colder, darker, unbearable, unlike your womb

Yesterday's sun has set and regrets have been laid to rest
but I must now be committed to living my very best

And as tough as it may be, I'm obliged to see your mission through
that I must live my life happily, since I'm only here because of you

Sadness and sorrow were tremendous follies
but I must seek a future without the shadows of melancholy

Perhaps dawn will scatter the scent of freshly-cut lawn
in this dream of life, who knows the next scene we'll be upon? 

So I live with faith, that some day I will be with you again
picking up where we left off - not only as mother and son, 
but as two long lost friends....

Until then, our memory waits.

I love you mom. 
I miss you....
You are always in my heart. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Genso Suikoden - Theme of Sadness (orchestral)