By Ruhudeen Ali
August 15th, 2008
Tear of Sincerity,
Where have you gone?
Times long since passed have you been seen in this world.
A messenger from the heart, your message was always true.
But now you have disappeared and gone is sincerity along with you.
How does one gauge the stranger without you?
You have taken trust from this world and we haven’t a clue
About emotions we are left to guess if one is sincere or acting in jest.
Difficult has it become to read the faces of the people,
Without you, neutrality has taken the throne
rendering the good & evil as equals
The times have changed us and everybody has become numb.
Prancing to the evils of this world, we dance to its drums
You would show us the picture of the world inside one’s heart
But nowadays we all think we are too smart
that we can hide our true feelings and suppress
the beckoning of this world’s seductive temptress.
But sooner or later we will all come to realize the heart’s true prize -
The tears that once saved us from lies will one day return to our eyes.
And show the world again what it means to no longer pretend
To show the world that we wish to change ourselves and amend.
Lives full of lies we are sick of and we wish to be honest again.
Humanity has pleaded its case, we beg that our apathy you may erase
But until you return to this world we will be left to only assume
casting aside the benefit of the doubt and presume
the intentions of our fellow man and woman.
Bring with you fidelity to this world for it has been stolen
This task is left to you for you have been chosen.
Oh Tear of Sincerity! Show us the path to simplicity
away from the lies in our hearts and on to a life of felicity!
by Ruhudeen Ali
July 9th, 2006
What is the fleeting breath?
In its absence life is surely death.
We live for its presence behind every corner and moment,
but until it arrives to stir us from sleep, we lay dorment.
And when it arrives it opens up the eyes
showing us life’s pleasures we would otherwise never realize.
How can the mind perceive the same things as different,
when its judgment is based upon the same instruments?
And yet, the same sky one moment is blue, the next dark
strange is the mind that projects its own marks.
But truth be told, we are all like this
in our painful episodes there’s no room for happiness.
So instead of searching the skies for the answers, we turn to our hearts for the reason to live.
Oh, what we wouldn’t do for a moment of this life giving breath! What we wouldn’t give!
Most my life has been spent in search of this breath,
but despite knowing this, patience is all that’s left.
The child in everyday adventures, the teen in youthful follies, in the sigh of the adult
all seek the fleeting breath…
By Ruhudeen Ali
What is a memory?
A memory is you and I
What is a memory?
A memory is a picture captured in time
What is a memory?
A memory is a dream so high
What is a memory?
A memory is when dreams evoke sighs
What is a memory?
A memory is feelings in the soul
What is a memory?
A memory is happiness in being together
What is a memory?
A memory is seeking each other’s pleasure
What is a memory?
A memory is an incomplete goal
What is a memory?
A memory is life’s toll
What is a memory?
A memory is having meaning
What is a memory?
A memory is an experience that was demeaning
What is a memory?
A memory is a traumatic experience
What is a memory?
A memory is moral perseverance
What is a memory?
A memory is bold thoughts
What is a memory?
A memory is being found and lost
What is a memory?
A memory is a tug boat in a black sea
What is a memory?
A memory is regret for what couldn’t be
What is a memory?
A memory is naivety
What is a memory?
A memory is blasphemy
What is a memory?
A memory is the struggle
What is a memory?
A memory is remembering God
What is a memory?
A memory is leaving the path
What is a memory?
A memory is concealed wrath
What is a memory?
A memory is trying to come back
What is a memory?
A memory is not knowing what to do
What is a memory?
A memory is your twisted point of view
What is a memory?
A memory is finding someone like you
What is a memory?
A memory is realizing there is no such thing
What is a memory?
A memory is patience wearing thin
What is a memory?
A memory is self-mortification
What is a memory?
A memory is humiliation
What is a memory?
A memory is a life of pain
What is a memory?
A memory is occassional gains
What is a memory?
A memory is trying to smile in a fake world
What is a memory?
If only for a while
What is a memory when it fades?
A memory is you and I..
By Ruhudeen Ali
The landscape is dressed in remnants of autumn leaves
salted by snow, biting from the wind
This evening I remember you.
Warm memories of our past cause me to forget
but the sight before me is the reality;
a cold life without you. I fall like so many.
buried in white, that is my end.
my love, where have you gone?
By Ruhudeen Ali
Childhood - a time of youthful spirit.
Innocence, comfort, joy, no worries.
Every direction, a frontier to be explored.
Every moment, an adventure unfolding.
Every morning, a new page.
Anticipation of hopes and dreams.
Awaiting life’s journey ahead.
Adolescence - a time of shocking discoveries.
Anxiety, frustration, sadness, loneliness, laughter.
A period of ripening - neither this nor that. Of unrequited lovers.
Mischievous undertakings, while undermining authorities.
Crying in your room - realizing something you didn’t want to.
Life’s mysteries unfolding.
Adulthood - a time of duties and pressures.
Drab monotony, restriction, regret, contentment.
Each day, the same thing - no surprises.
Seeing everything under the sun, wondering what’s left to be seen.
Overburdened by responsibilities, the colors of life running thin.
Seeking rest and retirement - looking back on your life.
Awaiting death.
By Ruhudeen Ali
June 2nd, 2006
With my lost soul, I stumble upon a lonely path.
Autumn’s leaves wet from rain have fallen from the trees’ heights.
They decorate the path with a mixture of fresh dew and stagnant death.
As I traverse this path, the thoughts of my mind enter with fury and leave gently like the forest’s wind.
Like the leaves of the path, they were once filled with life - golden and vibrant in their prime.
But now they have withered and fallen from this rain of tears, there is no place for them on the tree.
So instead they mark the path of loneliness and apathy.
The ground is wet from obscure puddles, with leaves - brown, oak, yellow, and golden.
How sad? And yet, its beauty entices me to walk further down.
Only to discover the sounds of a nearby town.
I follow the signs until I am taken on a new path.
How memorable was the journey down the colorful lonely path..
By Ruhudeen Ali
March 17th, 2006
The heart is a diamond, beautiful to the beholders but in essence only a hardened stone.
It glitters through its pretty speech but it was buried deep within the earth.
Being formed through thousands of years of compression, is it a wonder that people flock to this stone?
“A girl’s best friend!” What makes you so precious? Besides your form what else do you have to offer?
You are soft to the eyes but hard to the touch.
Your beauty blinds us to your coarse nature.
Your origin was a forgotten land.
How much effort did it take to bring you out of it?
Diamonds are not rare, they’re found in everyone’s chest.
They attract the shallow of mind only to be let down in the end.
So before you chase madly in pursuit of this rock,
remember that the bowels of earth will one day again be its inheritor.
What really gives meaning to life? I wonder, could it be death? If life is defined by death just as a line or ray is defined by its ending (or lack thereof,) then what if death no longer held any meaning? Would life too, no longer hold any meaning, just as a ray would not be a ray if it did not end and a line would not be a line if it ended?
Death means a lot of things to a lot of people. Granted, none of us has actually experienced death in the flesh but we have been exposed to it throughout our lives. In fact, (as I’ve stated earlier,) I believe death is what actually defines life. Defining in the sense of limiting, shaping or moulding, and giving change and color to life by means of contrast. The exchange of two contrasting opposites will yield a full range of variables just as white and black together create new shades of color. Rather, it is the spectrum of colors that is found between the two contrasts, black and white. Similarly life is found between birth and death. And along the path of life there are many such opposites. If life and death are opposites, then between the two we will find joy and sorrow, comfort and suffering, gain and loss.
So if our entire lives are shaped by the exchange between two opposites, what then happens if those fundamentally different, intrinsically contrasting opposites were to change themselves? What if white was no longer white and black no longer black? What if birth and death were no longer birth and death? If birth was death and death was birth? How then would we define our lives?
Most often we tend to view birth as the beginning of life; symbolizing the good of joys and bounties to come. But frankly, birth is the beginning of suffering and sacrifice. It is when we are thrown into this world that we develop desires and attachment to things we cannot have so already we are losing more than we wish to gain. We are exposed to so many ideas and desires arise for which nothing can be done. We are losing the moment we are born, one day at a time, closer to death. That would, of course, be a dreaded thing if death were (as we define it) as being a bottomless void of nothingness. But even if that were the case, is not nothingness better than losing? Neutrality over pain and loss? No conscious awareness at all as opposed to conscious grief? Were this to be true, death would, as it seems, be better than life. But if death were a pit of hellfire, then it would seem that life is worth more joy than death as there is more to lose in death than in life. If death was the beginning of endless torture, then we should seek to live our lives to the utmost capacity in true happiness and gratefulness. And yet if death was the beginning of true happiness or at the very least the end of all suffering, then death would seem to be the true life.
Because from the perspective of loss, life only contains losing - there is nothing to be gained. The moment we are born we are given things of which, throughout life, we slowly start to lose. We slowly lose our abilities, our memories, our relationships, and eventually everything we’ve experienced in life (through death.) There is only net loss. But from another perspective we have only to gain from life. We are born with givens yes, but those givens contain no meaning until filled with the experiences of use found in life. Our five senses are essentially senseless until used. For what is taste without its subject? Touch without something to touch? Sight without something to behold? Hearing without sounds to process? And smell without odors or fragrances? And what of those senses if they contain no meaning? What is the taste of chicken without its meaning to you? (Does it taste good or bad? Do you enjoy it or dislike it?) What is the touch of fire and the touch of a lover if one did not hurt and the other was not pleasurable? What of sight if seeing pleasurable things did not lead to good thoughts and if seeing bad things to unpleasant ones? Similarly what of the other senses if they did not create contrasts of good and bad and everything in between? For it is what is in-between that holds the meaning. Good cannot be considered as “good” unless there was bad and everything beneath it just as bad would not exist if there were no good nor anything above it. Now if there is good and bad, then there is also better or worse in-between. A thing cannot be defined as better or worse if it has no contrast to compare itself to. A good thing can still be considered as good even if there are things that are better than it (making it worse but still good.) But if exposed to enough “better” things, what was initially considered as “good” can now be considered as bad, worse, or even worst. Being shocked is a bad feeling but how can mild electric shock possibly feel good if you were never exposed to it? Maybe it might feel better compared to being burned as “template experience.” So now being mildly shocked is bad but still better than being burned. And if I had to either be shocked, burned, cut, or beaten, I might even conclude that the mild shock is the best! The point is, the experience or situation had to be compared to another experience and hence derived its meaning. Meanings are given to experiences by way of contrasting them to initial template experiences (e.g- the example of the man who was burned then shocked.) And these template experiences constantly shift our definitions of what is good, bad, better, worse, best, and worst.
The same can be said of life and death, what is considered living and what is considered dying is determined by shades of meaning (good/bad, better/worse, etc.) Since meanings are relative to an individual’s experience and perspective, it is hard if not impossible to assume an agreeable constant for standard of living and dying. One million people may agree that sacrificing your life for a loved one is suicide and a waste of life. But what is considered as a ‘waste’ is left to interpretation. Maybe that person had already wasted his life according to his own understanding and now finds meaning and purpose in sacrificing it for a loved one. So if we cannot measure or compare our ‘goods’ and ‘bads’ to that of others’, then how is it that we relate so well? It is a miracle that we can even understand each other, let alone agree with one another! My ‘goods’ may be in agreement with the ‘goods’ of others and yet contrast with the ‘bads’ of others, while yet being ‘better’ or ‘worse’ than others’ goods’ and ‘bads’. Just like colors, we may agree on the color itself but dispute the shade. And this is how we communicate and understand one another. If black and white were not our contrasting anchors, we would not have colors to agree on; no colors to dispute on. But the colors themselves create the meanings and the agreements and disputes. Without them there would be nothing. In the same way, if birth and death were not our contrasting anchors, how would we know what is life and what is death and which experiences lie closer to one as opposed to the other within the spectrum?
I come back now to the theory of loss and gain again. Is life ultimately a big loss or gain for us? And is it the same for death? Life can either be good or bad compared to death, while one is better/worse than the other. According to the net loss perspective, life is nothing but loss and nothing is gained from it (or at least all things gained are lost through death.) This is under the assumption that death is nothingness and the human conscience (as we know it) ceases to exist. For example, any number divided by Zero becomes undefined; and that is death. However, if the quotient is undefined then the whole equation becomes undefined and becomes a meaningless operation. If death is undefined than so is life, but if life is undefined then life and death both become meaningless. So then what was the purpose of acquiring all this meaning in life if death is the great Zero divisor? Clearly as we have seen, if death has no meaning, then life has no meaning just as how a dividend becomes undefined if the divisor equals Zero then the quotient equals nothing. If death has no meaning, then life is pointless and it may as well be ended at any time since there is only loss. But that cannot be the case because we know life has meaning, we all have acquired meaning within our lives; meanings and definitions of all sorts of things. So the dividend has a value, no doubt about it. However, death is only given meaning within life itself. There is no pre-life manual or post-partum debriefing. All things must be defined between birth and death. Life, therefore, gives meaning to all things even itself. There is a number that acts in exactly the same way, it is the number One. One is the basis and definition of all numbers, for each number and definition is derived from the One. Two consists of two One’s, Three of three One’s, Four of four One’s and so on ad infinitum. So One is the quintessential meaning of all things. A thing is neither considered good or bad, better or worse except that it is X-degrees better or worse than something else, and all are determined by the One degree templates.
So it must be that if life has a value, then death too must have a value since we are giving meaning to everything in life. I am giving meaning to death in this very passage. Death then has a value, it is not the Zero divisor. There is however, only one birth and only one death for each individual but there are an infinite number of possibilities for life. Death then, should have at least one meaning. That would mean that whatever number of meanings acquired in life, death would simplify those meanings to be equal or less. For example, say the average person acquires over 100,000,000,000,000 meanings in life, if death is only 1 of those meanings, or at most a couple, then the net is either 100,000,000,000,000 meanings or less. Now what exactly is meant by “net meanings?” Net meanings are meanings which still have value after death. If death is not nothingness, then death has meaning and its meaning can only be compared to the countless number of meanings one has acquired throughout life. Which is more valuable? The net meanings acquired in life or the meaning of death? It depends on how death is defined. Now it cannot be that both life and death have infinite meanings since theoretically, we can never know until both life and death are experienced. As far as we are aware, there is no meaning before life and no meaning after death [not to be confused with meaning in death,] all meanings are acquired within life. That is to say, all values are only defined between birth and death and that birth and death themselves are values given meaning within life. There are, however, an infinite number of values left undefined within life, there are meanings left unexplored. Death is a value with limited meanings but cannot be undefined. It is defined upon experience. It may well be that whatever net meaning was acquired throughout life will also be acquired at death; making infinity divided by infinity equal One.
In other words, death can never have more meaning than life since it is through life that we acquire meaning on an infinite array of values whereas death is only one of those values. Life is the sum of all values. It must then be the case that death will carry on our meanings that we’ve acquired throughout life. It can never amount to Zero or nothingness. Death may well reduce our meanings to the ones that were important enough to continue beyond life, and that may even be only one thing, one meaning, or it can be much much more. So is life a net loss or gain? Givens are lost in life but meanings can only be gained and are never lost. You cannot lose a definition or meaning of something, it can only be replaced, expanded, or modified in some way. Life is the summation of positive or negative meanings - either good or bad. But since meaning itself is a gain by nature of its being, net meaning must yield a positive number. That is to say, there can only be so much bad meaning that can be derived from life as compared to the countless positive meanings we are unaware of such as the meanings of thoughts, dreams, feelings, emotions, etc. And although each of those can be divided among good and bad, the net good outweighs the net bad. There are those who claim that bad meanings and experiences dominate over good ones. But my argument is that that is simply because there are so many good meanings in their lives that the few bad ones stick out like a sore thumb and steal all the attention away. Afterall, when one reflects, is stressed, or worried, do they contemplate all the good meanings in life or mostly the bad? As stated before, bad can only exist if there is good. There must be good experiences hidden deep within themselves that they have become blinded to by their focus on the bad. All this, however, is simply my observation. If you are one of the unfortunate ones to see nothing but bad meanings in all things, please search for positive meaning in this attempt and add something positive to your experience in life.