Saturday, October 25, 2008

Junction at The Lonely Path

By Ruhudeen Ali
June 2nd, 2006

With my lost soul, I stumble upon a lonely path.
Autumn’s leaves wet from rain have fallen from the trees’ heights.
They decorate the path with a mixture of fresh dew and stagnant death.
As I traverse this path, the thoughts of my mind enter with fury and leave gently like the forest’s wind.
Like the leaves of the path, they were once filled with life - golden and vibrant in their prime.
But now they have withered and fallen from this rain of tears, there is no place for them on the tree.
So instead they mark the path of loneliness and apathy.
The ground is wet from obscure puddles, with leaves - brown, oak, yellow, and golden.
How sad? And yet, its beauty entices me to walk further down.
Only to discover the sounds of a nearby town.
I follow the signs until I am taken on a new path.
How memorable was the journey down the colorful lonely path..

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